We will find ourselves

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My P

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My P.O.V
I fed all of them, and then gathered them to the living room.

"Ok. I've called you all here today.. wait, it's not a formal meeting.. never mind. M/g here is a skilled artist, and I think if you try hard enough and explain what you see, she might be able to draw you memories. Would that be ok, M/g?"
She nods.
"Ok. First will be.. R/g!" I say, and she moves to a stool in front of M/g

"Now, just close you eyes and tell me what you see."

"Ok.. I see a pool-"


This goes on for a while. When everyone else is asleep I study the pictures alone.

A dark alley, and three men, cornering a girl. Four figures are perched above her, seeming to begin to jump down to rescue her. One stands out, with deep blue eyes.

A rooftop, when the sun is setting. She's facing away from the sky, looking towards a air conditioning box. A shadowed figure is hiding behind the metal box, with reddish brown eyes.

A pool at night. A girl is wrapped in a towel, and three punk- like boys are sneering at her. A silhouette is above, in mid air, supposedly jumping in front to defend the girl.

She made another one. This time, on the rooftop, the three strange men are pulling her away, when the 'guardian angel' leaps down and defends her.

All of these remind me of something. After a moment, it suddenly clicks.
I throw open my laptop and click on my book, going to the first chapters. The pictures match. I lean back in my chair, covering my mouth to muffle the inhuman noises that might leak out. I stand and walk out to check on the girls.
R/g and M/g have to share a queen sized bed, L/g and D/g are sharing the pull out couch.

L/g, D/g, R/g, and M/g.

I barely sleep that night.


I have to check. I just have to. I know that M/g has the scar, so I need to check if L/g has the one on her back, R/g has one on her lip and one on her forearm, and D/g has the bite on her right shoulder. That should confirm my suspicions.
I call all of them to the living room.

"Ok, I know this might be.. weird, but I have a theory. I need to check something before explaining it all to you, so.. here's what I need," I look to L/g, "L/g, please come here."

She does and I turn her around.

"I just need to check your back, ok?"

She nods, although I can tell she's nervous. I slowly lift her dark blue shirt, and gasp, seeing five long scars, going diagonally across from the middle of her back to her right hip.

"Ok. Next is D/g."


"You heard me, don't worry, ok?"

She gulps and nods, standing up and walking to me. She begins to turn around but I stop her, and move some of her hair away from her right shoulder. There's the love bite.


I look at her lip, and nod, seeing the scar, and lift her sleeve to see the other scar.

"Ok, you each have a scar some where on you. And by being so close, I have discovered that you all need a shower. R/g first." I announce. They nod and look at each other before L/g speaks up.

"So, what did you find out?"

"I- I don't really know. I'll get back to you." I reply.

But I do know what I found out, I'm just not sure what to do with it.

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