She ended up in a clearing; the only light being the moon. I watched as she noticed her mother tied up to a tree, wounded by the alpha and very, very weak. She walked up to her mother, whose head snapped up at the sound of twigs crunching beneath Nova’s feet.

            “Nova!” she croaked. Her eyes widened, and she glanced down at her daughter. “Your father has gotten to you, hasn’t he?” She said in disappointment.

            “I’m going to get you out of here mom.” Nova said, determined.

            I was so caught up in watching Nova that I failed to notice that the extra heartbeat was louder. Actually, it was right behind me. I didn’t get the chance to turn around before a clawed hand pierced me from behind, and gripped onto some vital organs, squeezing them until blood gushed out of my mouth; choking me and paralyzing me.

            “I hate to do this; you’re just a little pup after all.” I growled when he said pup. I was no dog, and if I was; I definitely wasn’t a fucking pup. He squeezed harder, silencing me and nearly killing me on the spot. “But you’re getting in my way.”

            He wrenched his hand out of my body, and I instantly fell to the ground; no longer having any feeling in my legs. My body was numb, because of the paralysis, for which I’m somewhat grateful, if I could feel this pain I think I would black out. I wasn’t even sure that I was going to heal; he had fucked with some major organs when he decided to make me his werewolf puppet. It was like mental torture when all I could do was watch while the alpha came out, in human form, and tormented Nova.

            I struggled to hear what they were saying. I could make out him telling her this long explanation as to why he had come here, and why he had to kill her.

            “-just like I killed your poor, foolish brother.” He finished. Nova was literally shaking in rage, and she quickly went to pull out her gun.

            But the alpha was too fast. He grabbed her wrist, twisting it until it was just about to snap, and tauntingly said, “Now now, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

            “And why the hell not?” Nova snarled back. Bad idea Nova, this guy was crazy. I would know, because I’m fucking paralyzed, bleeding out, and not healing over here.

            “Because, dear Nova. I already silenced your brother and your beta boyfriend-” he looked towards my directed and smirked when he said that. I tried to growl back, but I was losing the energy to even breathe. “- would you like me to put an end to your mother to?” He looked back to Nova’s mother, who had passed out from pain.

            I feel your pain sister! Well, actually, I don’t. I can’t feel anything, and that was starting to piss me off. Why in the hell wasn’t I healing? I should be up there, saving Nova. But I can’t even move! I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but they had a mind of their own.

            My eyes were closing, and I was lost my battle to stay awake. I succumbed to the welcoming darkness.

            Nova’s P.O.V.

I looked at the alpha, in a menacing and desperate way. “Don’t hurt my mom. She doesn’t have anything to do with this.” I had a tremendous amount of pain in my heart, I was about to take the biggest risk of my life. “You want me? Then take me. But let my mother go.”

The alpha still had a death grip on my wrist. He looked at me, “You’re right. It is you I want.” Just like that he snapped my wrist, and I screeched out in pain. It was definitely broken, and the gun in my hand had fallen out, I couldn’t even make a fist with that hand.

I was so preoccupied with everything that was going on, I didn’t even notice that the alpha had used his claws to untie my mom, letting her sleeping- at least I hoped she was sleeping- figure fall to the ground. I glared at him, I was giving him what he wanted and he couldn’t even play by the rules. I tried to run to my mother’s aid, but the alpha had other plans.

With an inhuman speed he threw me over his shoulder, ripping my crossbow and extra pistol off in the process- throwing them on the ground.

“What?” I said angrily, all while kicking and thrashing against him. “You’re not going to kill me?”

He rolled his eyes in annoyance, “Not yet.”

I wondered why I wasn’t scared. I mean, I literally just signed up for my own funeral, only to save my mom who might not even make it if there’s no one there to save her. It might be all the adrenaline, or the fact that I had nothing left to lose. Either way, I just lost a game of wits with a damned alpha werewolf. I crossed my arms, and huffed in frustration against his back.

“If you don’t stop thrashing around and acting like an untamed little brat, I won’t hesitate to knock you out.” He said in an irritated manor.

“I’m sorry, if you would like a happy hostage, maybe you should go kidnap a convict, or a mental patient; I’m sure they’d be happy to escape their lives.” I said sarcastically. I wasn’t going to be nice to the monster that had taken the one person I loved and trusted the most; and nearly took my mother away from me completely.

I felt him put me down, so I was now facing him. I glared at him in the eyes, but when they flashed red my heart tensed in fear and anticipation. “Be that way then.”

I knew I had done it when I saw his hand swipe across my face, and then a stinging warm feeling, and then blackness.


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