Chapter 36: I'm Going To Kill Kellin

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last chapter for this book, too... but at least it's an extra long one!


A few days passed before I finally decided to actually buy a pregnancy test, like Vic wanted me to. It wasn't that I hated the idea of possibly having a baby with Vic, but I just really wasn't prepared for it. Honestly I didn't know how to feel about it at all.

At the time, falling pregnant with Kyle was a mistake. I was young, careless, blind with love for a man who never loved me back for even a second. . .

Of course I didn't view Kyle as a mistake the second I saw him on that ultrasound. But the circumstances around it were a series of mistakes. Me being his mother at the time was the biggest one.

The poor child had seen things I wished I could've protected him from.

Things were different now, though. . . I mean, obviously. . . I was older now, wiser and with someone who wanted to have a family with me. Vic actually wanted this. I just wasn't sure whether I wanted it yet.

The idea was cute, though. I could imagine Kyle playing with his little brother or sister. I could imagine them growing up together, Vic being their proud dad, and. . .

"So which one do we need?" Vic wondered, pulling me from my thoughts as we both stood in the aisle of the drug store down the street.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I've never used one of these things before!" I threw at him, grabbing two random boxes off the shelf. "I am, however, almost an expert at using those." I then murmured quietly, pointing a finger at the ones type of box that held the morning after pill.

Vic snorted, giving me an unimpressed look. "Well it's a little too late for that now." He pointed out.

Either too late or completely unnecessary, I corrected him in my mind.

I quickly scanned my eyes over the quick instructions on both boxes. "Alright, this one needs to be peed on for five seconds and the other one needs to have two drops of urine dribbled on it? What the hell is the difference? Knowing my aim, it'll be two drops either way, if anything at all." I murmured incredulously.

Vic sighed softly, trying to hide his amusement. "Just pick one, I'm sure in the end they all kinda work the same."

I rolled my eyes and shoved both the boxes, and the third one that I found, into his hands. "You wanted this, so you choose."

Vic rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was so damned amused by this, it took everything in me not to slap that out of him. He then casually put two of the boxes back on the shelf and gave the third one back to me.

"The pink one, really?" I said, giving him an unimpressed look as he simply nodded. "Oh right, because peeing on a pink stick makes it so much less uncomfortable than doing it on a white one."

"My thoughts exactly." Vic then said, grinning before making his way to the counter.

I groaned loudly and followed him, immediately catching the older lady's attention when I threw the box of the pregnancy test as well as some Zantac and Pepto on the counter. "Looks like someone might be expecting a baby." The lady sang, looking down at the items.

When she looked up, she immediately smiled. "Oh hello Victor. . ." She kindly greeted him, just as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "What a pretty young thing you have with you. Did she get you a little too excited that you forgot to properly prepare yourself?"

I snickered softly, knowing that this was probably embarrassing the hell out of him. "Oh but ma'am, it's not easy to prepare yourself when it's rape." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

Contagious Chemistry (Vic Fuentes) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now