Chapter 24: This is Why I Hate You

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soooo sorry for the long wait on this! I spent my holidays moving -just like last year- and for now it's finished. so hopefully I'll be updating this a bit more regularly along with Destination Unknown.


"Don't talk to me, I'm having a bad day." I announced as soon as I stormed into the diner, being pretty much two hours late because I overslept.

Kellin quirked his eyebrow and immediately dropped what he was doing. He rushed himself towards me and grabbed my arm, guiding us both to a booth in the middle of the diner.

He frowned questioningly at me and I just groaned and smacked my head down onto the table. "Talk to me, what happened?" He then asked.

"I should've just stayed with Tay." I murmured quietly, though honestly I didn't even really mean what I said. Well, part of me didn't anyway. It was just that this whole relationship thing seemed like a lot more hard work than I thought it was.

I heard Kellin sigh deeply as he tapped his fingers on the table. "What did Vic do?"

I snorted, rolling my eyes- not that he could see that since I was still face down with my head on the table. "Nothing, he's being fucking perfect. Which is exactly why this isn't working."

"You know who is working?" I then heard Jaime ask from beside me. I finally raised my head off the tabletop and looked at him. "Me! The damn owner! I'm the one who's working, while you two are having a chitchat! Wanna order something while you're at it?"

"Give us ten minutes, Himes." Kellin requested tiredly, giving Jaime his signature innocent eyes. Though there was honestly nothing innocent about Kellin whatsoever.

Jaime groaned before walking off with the two orders that he held, and Kellin turned his head back to me. "He's being perfect." He said, repeating my words and being completely unimpressed by them. "Honey, he's a man, there's no way he's perfect."

"Well he is!" I exclaimed, frustration lacing my tone of voice. "And I don't know what to do about it."

Kellin chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "Well if he really is all that, then what you need to do is start accepting that you've actually found yourself a good guy for a change." He said. "Besides, he's lucky too- you're the most awesome person I know."

I shot Kellin a skeptic look. "You hardly know anyone." I pointed out to him. "And guys you've fucked don't count, because all you know about them is the size of their dicks and how they feel up your ass."

His jaw dropped and he was about to protest, until he then just closed his mouth again and nodded, admittedly knowing that I was pretty much right.

"Speaking of which, how are you and Oliver?" I then asked.

A wide grin spread across Kellin's lips. "We're perfect." He said.

I arched an eyebrow as I gave him a unimpressed look. "I thought there was no such thing as being perfect."

"Well, when you're gay it's different."

Jaime came to our table again and let out a deep sigh. "Look, I've already accepted that the two of you will never stop talking, but can you please do that thing when you talk and also sort of work at the same time? Because we actually have customers." He said to us, sounding a little impatient now. And just as he did, a small group of people came walking in.

I nodded and stood up. "Alright, let's do this." I then said as I made my way to the table where the new group of people had just sat down. "Hi, my name is Max and I will be your waitress for today."

Contagious Chemistry (Vic Fuentes) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now