Chapter 13: If You Ever Needed a Sign

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jesus I only updated this 12 hours ago and here I am again... I'll update my other books tomorrow, it's just that chapters for this one are flowing out of me like fucking magic... anyway, enjoy!


"Wow, Kells, you're early." I observed with fake shock as I arrived at the front of the diner one morning. He was usually just on time, or totally late. "What happened to your hair?" I then asked, curiously eyeing the mess of knots on top of his head.

His eyes widened as his hands immediately flew into his hair, trying to fix it as best he could. "I uh- yeah, I just. . . I just left Gabe's." He said, scrambling to find the words.

Ah, right, the guy he'd been seeing.

"You actually left or did he chase you out?"

Kellin finally straightened himself out as he then glared at me and stuck out his tongue while I just grinned in return. "Well come on, princess. Jaime is already here, and he looks cheery as fuck. God help us." I then murmured as we walked inside.

The bell that hung above the door notified our cheery boss that we had arrived and he immediately swung himself around to us on his heels with a massive smile on his face and a pair of huge scissors in his hands.

"Good morning!" He beamed happily.

I shot Kellin a questioning look. Jaime was never like this in the morning. What the hell was going on? I mentally asked Kellin just that and he just shrugged in response, obviously having no clue either.

A few of our usual morning customers started rolling in and Jaime seemed to get even more excited. "People!" He exclaimed. "Go take their orders, Kellin. Max, I need you here for the big opening."

"Big opening?" I murmured questioningly.

Kellin once again shrugged and took off his coat before quickly throwing the diner's signature apron around his waist and tending to the customers. I then took off my coat too and threw it underneath the bar before making my way to Jaime.

"Yes, we have a new coffee machine!" He told me happily as he pointed at the big silver machine standing behind him with an obnoxiously big red bow wrapped around it.

"We're having a big opening for a new coffee machine?"

"It's not just any new coffee machine-" Jaime then scoffed. "It's the one they also use at Starbucks! Now we can make even more sorts of coffee! Isn't it amazing? It took me forever to save up for it."

I snickered softly at his enthusiasm for the machine. "Jaime, I know how to make literally every type of coffee without the fancy-ass machine. So that was basically a total waste of money there." I pointed out.

"Yeah, just like opening this place." Kellin murmured as he walked by with a few menu cards.

Jaime sighed, rolling his eyes at the comment and handed me the oversized pair of scissors. "Just do it, Max, and start making these people some coffee." He urged.

"Alright." I breathed in amusement as I held the scissors to the stupid red bow. I cut the damned thing off and turned it on, placing some cups underneath it and pouring the roasted beans into the designated slot, snapping the lid closed with some force.

Jaime gave me a look of disapproval and practically stroked the side of the machine with his hand like it was a little kitten. "Don't be so rough, you're the first one touching it." He said to me.

"Is that what you said when you were getting your first blowjob?"

Instantly I could hear Kellin screeching and laughing his ass off from the other side of the diner. I looked back at him for a moment, not being able to hold back the laughter myself as I saw him sitting on the floor, kicking his legs in the air while he laughed.

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