Chapter 19: She Went to Princeton, I Went to Juvie

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I was happy.

Yes, I actually admitted to myself that I was genuinely happy. I mean, I officially had a boyfriend- and a hot one at that. My weirdo ex, however sketchy it was, let me see my son more often. I still had a crappy job, but part of me enjoyed it and yeah. . . I was happy.

I wasn't about to scream it from the rooftops, but I didn't need to. According to everyone around me, it was pretty damn obvious.

The only one who didn't trust it was my boss. He thought it was just another act to get a raise or something. Please, I knew well enough that the diner didn't catch enough customers to be able for Jaime to give me raise. Like ever.

I didn't need a raise anyway. Once Vic had finally managed to convince me to stop paying him said rent, I knew I had plenty to provide my ex with the child support that I was supposed to hand over every month, including extra money for trips, school and his allergy medication. I just hoped it actually went to that. . .

Either way. . . on one sunny and relaxed Sunday morning, on a day that I didn't have to work at the diner for once, I found myself dancing around the living room, singing along to one of Vic's many records, whilst dressed in one of his boxers and a shirt.

Yeah, I was totally one of those girlfriends.

He pretended to be annoyed at first about me hogging his boxers and random band shirts, but I just told him to get over it. That didn't sit well with him, though, so one day he came prancing into the bedroom wearing my panties and a bikini top as his way of revenge.

And I don't know if you can legitimately die from laughing too hard, but I'm pretty sure that I almost did that day.

Vic was just so funny and sweet and just absolutely amazing. Whatever he had done had set my heart on fire. And it wasn't about to go out. Heck, I hadn't thought about it before, but I may actually have been in lo-

But my thoughts on that were quickly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

I dropped the spatula that I had been using as a surrogate for a microphone and hopped my way to the door, still singing along slightly to whatever tune was playing. I wasn't even sure who it was or what song, but apparently I knew the lyrics.

"Oh, you're still here." Was literally the first thing that was said to me as I opened the door. I looked at whoever made the snarky comment, not surprised one bit when I saw that it was Vic's ex fiancée. What a way to ruin my day. "Is Vic here?" She asked.

But I decided to ignore her question. "What do you want?" I asked instead. "Did you leave a fur coat behind? A pair of Louboutins maybe?" I tried to sound as sarcastic as I could possibly be.

She looked down at me, narrowing her eyes in disgust. "No I. . . Look, I don't need to explain myself to someone of such low class. I went to Princeton." She then said, raising her chin and pretending to look taller, which only made me snort as a result.

"And I went to juvie, yet we both managed to catch this guy's attention somehow and I'm the one that's still around. So your point is?"

She looked infuriated now, and in my mind I did a little victory dance. Who did she think she was anyway?

"I just came over to bring something back that's his. I believe he requested to have it returned after our. . . mutual separation." She said.

"Mutual?" I repeated, giving her a deadpanned look. "Honey, he dumped your ass. And guess what, he's with me now. So whatever it is you need to give to him, you can give to me, because he's currently taking a shower." God that felt good.

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