Chapter 108: Meet the Ambassador

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I soon allow my blinking to become slower and slower, each time my eyes shut becomes longer and longer, until finally... I'm asleep.


"Well, I guess I have to go to Erudite today." I sigh, looking up from my computer to a frightened Maddie who bites her lip and allows her eyebrows to crease together in thought.

"There's an Ambassador meeting today, but something tells me that it's a trap." I close my eyes for a brief second. "The meeting is in two hours."

"Perhaps it could be a trap, but what about the memory serum?" Maddie asks, "Jordan still doesn't remember anything, he says that his memory is hazy." She lifts her shoulders as she crosses her arms, shuddering. I turn around and grab my hoodie, then toss it to her.

"Thanks." She says softly as she pulls it over her head.

"You're welcome," I pause before finishing my thought. "Jeanine could've done anything to rid herself of the serum, especially with her access." My voice drifts off, and Maddie nods rapidly.

"I really don't want anything to happen to you, Ty." Maddie says as she steps closer to me, from being in front of my desk to standing beside my chair. She bends down, kisses my lips, and then looks directly into my eyes.

Her eyes remind me of the ocean, their dark blue hue capturing me and not letting me go. I can see my reflection in the crystal blue orbs, and as she blinks, her long eyelashes seem to tangle together before separating as she opens her eyes once more.

"I'm just gonna have to go." I say sadly, then kiss her. She sighs.

"I guess so, especially since she, being Jeanine, is threatening to fire those who don't come." Maddie says depressingly. I nod, biting my lip before kissing her.

"Well, I've gotta go finish a file, so I guess I'm gonna head back to my office." She says awkwardly, then turns to walk off, but I hold her hand, so when she walks off, she pulls me to stand up.

I then pull her to be flush against me. She gasps, and I caress her head. I lean down and press my lips to her hairline, then her lips, holding her head in my hands.

For a few minutes we just stand there, holding the other in our arms, and it's beautiful.

Our love, it still amazes me. Even after all these years. We've come a long way, and we still have an even longer way to go.


I step into the doors of the Erudite Headquarters, then walk up to the man at the front desk. His eyebrows are angled as he stares into a computer screen, glasses askew.

"Excuse me, sir." I say to him. He looks up, his eyebrows raised. "I need to know where the Ambassador meeting is located, please." I say, tapping my foot on the ground impatiently in the bustling library.

"Seventh floor, room fifty two." He says, "Have a nice day." His voice is blunt with a rough edge to it.

I step into the wooden paneled walls that make up the elevator and press the seven button, then the button that closes the doors. I allow a sigh to escape from the captivity of my lips, and a name leaves with it.

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