Chpt. 28- #Deep

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~Will Solace~

     I wake up in a bed that isn't mine. I yawn and rub the morning goop out of my eyes, opening them slightly. I expected to be blinded by light, but instead I am greeted with darkness.

I must be in Nico's cabin.

     My glassy eyes scan the room. They land on a light-chocolate coloured skin girl laying in the bed beside the one I'm in. I rub my eyes once more and my vision clears up. I hear soft snoring coming from my right. I turn and look at Nico, his left arm hangs over the side of the bed as well as his left leg, his head is turned so it faces the wall away from me, and his right arm is pulled under his head like a pillow.

     I watch as his back slowly moves up then back down with every breath he takes. I smile at how calm he looks -unaware of what's going on in the world around him as he's in a peaceful slumber. My mind travels to an odd yet sensible place that I often go to when bored. I think of how easy babies and children have it -not knowing all the bad that's going on around them. Not having the fear that one day them and their loved ones will be forever gone; indulged in a deep, dark, unbreakable silence. Sometimes I wish I could be a child again; unaware, carefree, uninvolved, and unharmed by this nasty reality that is life.

     I think about how much the world has changed over the years and it makes me wish I was older so I could have seen how nicer, cleaner, and simple the world used to be. I think back to when phones and computers didn't exist; how children could be entertained for hours with a simple set of jacks. Kids used to be able to go outside and play on the sidewalk, at parks, or at friends houses; how they could go places without parents because the world was a nice, safe place. Now-a-day, parents are almost expected to watch their children, because the world is so dangerous.

     I then think of death. My theory is that when you die, your body is left to rot but your subconscious gets passed onto a new body; a reincarnation. Ever hear the saying "you sound different in your head than out loud"? Well I also have a theory that the voice you hear in your head is your voice from a past life.

"Will." A soft voice says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes babe?" I whisper.

"You look stoned."

I softly smile. "No, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing important." I say with a smile.

"Okay." He replies, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. I smile and kiss his forehead.

"You ready for breakfast?" He shakes his head no in response. "Why not?"

"I'm too comfortable to move." I smile.

"Ten more minutes?" He nods and adjusts his position onto me. I smile and kiss the top of his head.

AN: sorry it took so long to update *_* I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share with fellow Solangelo shippers!!!

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