Chpt. 15- Penny Boards And OTPs

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Pt. 3

~Nico Di Angelo~

Will. Gave. Me. A. Blowjob. HOLY FUCKING SHIT WILL SOLACE GAVE ME A BLOWJOB!!! And gods did it feel good.

Will quietly sings along to the radio as we drive to the next "date destination". We pull up to a school and Will parks the car.

"Um, Will?"

"Yes my love?"

"Why are we at a school?"

"We're not here for the school." He says laughing. "We here for that." He points out my window to a park.

"Ummm. Why?"

"Cause parks are fun okay?! And I have something planned."

Insert question mark here.

We get out and Will grabs his bag then smiles.

"Race you to the swings?"

"Oh your so on." I say and we both run to the swing set. Will trips and I laugh but then soon fall on my face. I see him run past me so I get up as fast as I can and I run like my ass is on fire. Me and Will are neck and neck and we're almost at the swings when all of a sudden Will falls to the ground and groans in pain. Just to make sure he's not cheating I touch the swing set then I run back over to him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I just rolled my ankle, it'll be fine in a minute or two."

"Would you like me to kiss is better?" I say in a baby voice.

"Yes pwease." I laugh and kiss it better. "Thank you baby. It feels much better now." He says kissing my cheek. We start talking about random things until his ankle is better.

"Wanna go swing?"

"Sure, but if I vomit it's your fault." He rolls his eyes. I stand up and help him get up then we walk over to the swings. Will gets the higher up one cause he's taller and I get the lower one cause I'm smaller.

Obviously. Fuck off brain.

Will starts to swing and I copy. I always have a hard time pushing off for some reason. Will notices and laughs.

"Want a push?"

"Yes please." He jumps off his swing and gets behind mine.

"Ready baby?"


"Hold on tight." He says then he pushes me as hard as he can. I go up so high that my ass lifts off of the seat.

"Holy shit! Will!"

"I forgot that you were so light!" He says putting his hands up defensively. I hold on for dear life. "Nico? Baby you okay?" I close my eyes as tight as I can. "Nico?" I shake my head no then I feel the swing stop. "Baby?" Will says softly as he kneels down beside me. I jump off the swing and into his arms. He hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to push that hard." I shiver and hug him tightly. He rubs my back and holds me tightly.

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