Part 29: Official / The Purple One

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Three days later,
Neverland Ranch, Los Olivos, CA.

Michael's point of view

I sat there, in the living room of the main house of Neverland, while some sound ingineer was providing me with a microphone which he attached to my shirt. I nervously fiddled with my fingers, not able to take my eyes of off the door-frame. I hoped June would come through that door before the cameraman gives me the thumbs up to begin my statement.

As Karen was finishing my make up, Carson came in the room while on the phone with whoever that was. I felt kind of relieved to know that he would be there to assist me, but it didn't prevent a rush of anxiety to wash over me just to think that I would be all alone in front of the camera.

But I knew I had to do it.

June told me the night prior that she would be there for me, but the fact that I was about to start and that she wasn't there yet stressed me out. I needed her to be there, because I knew that just her being here would help me a lot to get through this. I wasn't ready to let the world know about my private life, but I needed to do that so that, hopefully, the drama would be over.

I understood she had to work though. Today was the day she was assigned the models she'd be training to succeed in the field. She was really looking forward this day. From what she told me, she visibly had her favorites already.

"We're rolling in fifteen minutes!" one of the crew member yelled through the crowded room.

"I can't do this alone," I mumbled as Karen arranged my hair. "John!" I called after my manager who was still handling business on the phone.

"What is it, Michael?" he asked once he was in front of me, covering the phone with his hand.

"Can you try to call June? She should be here by now," I nervously said.

"I'm on the phone with Levine, Mike, I can't," he explained to me, and I frowned. "He wants to make sure what you're going to say is appropriated."

Michael Levine is my publicist. He is the man who takes care of my image, if you could say. He is the one person who helped me go through all of the horrible rumors that were spread about me.

"It is. We looked over my speech at least a hundred times with John. Tell him this, and just hang up. I need to know where June is before this starts."

John did as he was told, and handed me the phone after he hung up, "Here, hurry."

I nodded my head, and dialed the familiar number while leaving the crowded and noisy room. After two ringtones, June finally picked up her phone.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Fucking traffic jam!" She yelled through the phone. "We've been stuck for thirty minutes, we just got out. Please tell me you're not done yet?"

"I'm only about to start," I tried to say in a reassuring voice. "Are you far away from here?"

"Wait a sec babe," she told me. "Are we almost here?" June asked Pit, the sound of her voice a little muffled.

"If I break the law, we could be here in ten," I heard Pit answered.

"Then break it, I don't want Michael to go through this alone," she answered in that same muffled voice, and a huge smile spread across my face. "Step on the gas, buddy!"

My baby girl.

"Baby?" She asked in a clearer voice. "We'll be there in ten, don't worry."

[MJ Fanfiction] Whatever Happens (Sequel to "What Happened That Day")Where stories live. Discover now