Part 39: Take Me Back To The Start

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June's point of view 

As I started to panick a little bit on the inside, I try not to let it show, because Michael would think I didn't want to see him, while I really wanted to. I just didn't know where to start.

"A certain guy named Prince told me to give you that. He also said that you needed to read it now," Michael shyly said, handing another folder paper.

I hesitantly took the paper from his hands, and looked down at it. When I unfolded it, I recognized Prince's almost perfect handwriting.

"Please, come in," I softly said to Michael, taking a step aside to let him in, before starting to read the long letter Prince wrote. "Is that okay if I take a few minutes to read this?"

"Of course, take the time you need," Michael ever so softy answered, taking his jacket off.

"I'm sorry. This is awkward," I declared, rubbing the space between my eyes.

"It's okay. It would have been awkward anyways," Michael slightly chuckled, which caused me to smile a bit. "Come on, pretend I'm not here, I'll just wait and take a look around."

"Thank you," I smiled a bit, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I could never steal you from another. It's such a shame our friendship has to end."

Those were the two sentences that were written at the very top of the piece of paper, which were also lyrics from his song  Purple Rain  that he slightly modified. My heart ached at the simple thought that my friendship with Prince was over now my choice was made, but the words that followed warmed up my heart a little, allowing a smile to appear on my face.

"Now you need to speak your heart out to the love of your life once again.  One time is never enough when you love someone as much as you love Michael.

This man loves you like no one could ever be able to love you back the same way as he does, not even me. You need to make things right, because a love like you guys share is rare.

I admire you both, because you've been through so much stuff, and still you're sticking by each other's side. 

If you ever need me, I'll be just around the corner, but I think it's better for us to stay away from each other for now. I need time to tell myself that I'll never be more than your friend.You helped me with my life more than you may ever think. Thanks to you, I rediscovered what it was to love, and to feel loved. With you, I wasn't alone anymore, and I could never be able to thank you enough for that.

You're one of the greatest person I've ever met, June Wellington, and people as great as you need to be happy.  I didn't say anything to Michael about the kiss, I just told him that you guys needed to talk to each other, because your love was one of a kind. I let him know that it was him from the beginning, and that it would be always him the number one man in your heart. 

I hope you liked the dress. I wanted you to have it so that Michael realize how beautiful you are  if he haven't noticed just yet. 

Avec amour, 


I smiled a little bit at his words, and understood that, once again, Prince was helping me out with my love life, while I perfectly knew it was painful for him considering the feelings he had for me. 

The thing is, I couldn't feel guilty about this. I couldn't feel guilty for making a man fall in love with me and not being able to love him back. Prince helped me not to feel bad about this situation. He knew that, from the begining, I loved Michael, and that I would probably won't ever be able to fall out of love with him. He understood my choices, and assured me that it was okay not to love him back.

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