Joy In Repetition (Not an update)

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Okay guys, I was tagged by @Pisces4life and @destinythemoonwalker for this... I-don't-know-how-it's-called challenge. 

Here are the people I nominate :














And here are the rules  :

1. You have to post the rules.

2. You must tag 13 people.

3. People who are tagged must say 13 facts about them.

4. You must answer all questions and tag the person who tagged you.

5. You can't refuse.

6. Has to be done within a week.

7. Must create a unique title.

8. Must not comment here.

Thriteen facts about me  :

1. I already did the twenty facts challenge which is on my profile, so yeah, that's gonna be complicated to put new stuff in here.

2. I died my hair purple last month, and I'm kinda happy I did :)

3. I'm a French college student very passionated by what I do. I'm learning English and languages (Chinese, Dutch and Italian).

4. My dad calls my bedroom at my parent's house "The Temple" or "The Church", because we can't see the walls anymore because they're covered with Michael's posters.

5. Michael's also my husband and Prince's my side hoe (Moonwalkers know how to share, don't they?).

6. Yes, Prince Rogers Nelson is life, and I think Moonwalkers should forget a second about the little 'feud' they had, and reconsider their opinion about him. He's hella talented, and, I have to admit... He's sexy. Actually, "Joy In Repetition" is one of his songs.

7. Once I was so drunk that I twisted my knee really badly, and couldn't remember what happened... Until my friends told me that I tried to dance like Michael. Need to explain why I never tried again? This shit hurts!

8. When I was younger (and freaking insolent and mean) I burnt a bunch of tabloids which said that Michael was a pedophile. I was in the newspaper the next day.

9. I made real friends on here, and I'll do everything to meet up with you guys (I'm sure you'll recognize yourselves).

10. I have an appartment I share with a roomie who's been my friend for years, and we created the Mental Squad because we're just crazy. The name on our mailbox is "The Nuthouse". 

11. My doctor gave me medecines for the last three months, and I was legally high all the time. I was laughing 24/7 and talking some real shit. That was kinda fun, if you ask me. Well, not all the time, but most of it.

12. In a couple of months, I'll get my third tattoo: "It's all for L.O.V.E – Michael Jackson" followed by a crown. It'll be placed over my heart.

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