Part 47: Who Are You?

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A/N: This chapter is a little special, because it's about Prince and June only. I felt like I needed to do one like this in order to see what's the relationship between the two really is, and to know more about Prince's character too. It was quite hard to go through this one again. It been written for a whole week, but just didn't have the strength to re-read it again after Prince's tragic passing. It was the hardest chapter I had to write because I really lost my second idol, and you guys know how hard it is to loose one. However, I felt like I had to keep on writing about him to keep on making him live through my words.

This one's for you, angel. 

June's point of view

I stood there frozen for a couple of minutes, just watching Prince walk away from me, without knowing if I should run after him, or just let him go. By the time I was battling with my own thoughts, of course, he had disappeared, and it was too late for me to follow him. While I thought I had Prince figured out, this was moments like this which made me understand that this guy would remain a mistery for me, and surely for most people he knows. I shook my head in disappointment, and gained my composure back before going back to the room where Jer was probably looking for me.

I didn't want to feel sad about this, because a part of me knew that it would be best for Prince and I to stay away from each other: him so that he can forget about the feelings he had for me, and me because I didn't need another person to be worried about at the moment.

I couldn't ignore the wave of joy and relief I felt when I heard his voice, and when I saw his face, though. I care so much about him, the same way I care about Pit, Jer or Dave, my best friends. Thing is, I feel like Prince gathers the three of them in his tiny figure. He has the gift to make me laugh like Jer does, to take care of me like Dave does, and to make me feel safe the way Pit and Michael do. He's the best friend someone could ask for.

At least, that's what I thought. With that encountement we had, I didn't know anything anymore. I didn't know the person I talked to, and I surely didn't like this person. Prince rarely drank, and now he was wasted and about to have a threesome with some groupies.

I pushed those thoughts aside, and decided I would just enjoy this evening with my best friend and Becks, and nothing or no one could prevent this to happen. Not even Prince Rogers Nelson.

"Hey Blondie, where the hell were you?" Jer asked me, with two glasses in his hands, looking like a lost puppy.

"I'm right there," I smiled in one cheek, taking my glass from his grasp. Without thinking, I pulled Jer in a warm embrace, mentally thanking him for stucking with my ass for that long. "Thank's for being here, Jer."

"What's that for?" he chuckled, pulling away from me.

"I'm just glad you're here. I've been missing you these days," I admitted, looking from him to the floor.

"Blondie, what's wrong?" Jer asked in a soft voice, titling my chin up so that I could meet his worried eyes.

"Nothing Jer, really. I'm fine."

"With you saying this, now I know you're not fine. I know you better than this, June. Spit it, what's going on?"

"I am fine," I ennunciated once again. "Please Jer, let's enjoy this evening together, okay?" I sighed, looking at him with a little smile. "Would you drop it so that we can have fun together like old times?"

My friend frowned at me, but eventually, he gave in, giving me a not-so-convincing 'okay'. I grinned at him, and linked his arm with mine, to go and greet some of the movie stars I knew that was there like a good friend of Michael's, Sylvester Stallone, who I met years ago while I was touring with Michael on his Bad Tour.

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