Part 49: Good News, Bad News

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June's point of view

When the alarm clock rang a few hours later, I groaned in annoyance and tried to slam the damn thing down. However, I had a pressure on my body that prevented me from doing anything. When I got to open my eyes, I noticed Jer was half lying on me hence the fact I couldn't move. With the short, lively night I had taking care of my drunk-ass best friend, I wasn't quite in the best mood to face the day, but I had to go with it.

It was an important day. This was the day things were getting offical. This was the day where I could finally talk about the one thing that keeps me going, that keeps me from becoming insane all over again: Michael and I's wedding. During the past week, I wrote some stuff here and there, concerning the guests, the venue and everything. I didn't have much time to talk about this with Michael, or anybody at all, actually, but now was the time to give life to all of those ideas I had.

But to start all of this, I needed to have a proper breakfast in my stomach, which meant that I had to get rid of the living wreck that was invading my private space.

"Jer, move!" I whined, trying to reach the alarm clock.

"One more minute, baby," he groggily said, nuzzling his face deeper in the crook of my neck.

"Baby?" I laughed, pushing him away harshly to wake him up. "Your baby should be there in a few, so you better hop out of this bed and go in that shower. You're stinking."

Jer's eyes flew open, and a groan escaped his mouth when the sunrays met his still sleepy irises, "What the fuck am I doing here?"

"Don't you remember anything about last night?" I asked, raising both of my eyebrows.

I didn't know if Jeremy remembered anything from what Becks and I talked about in the car.

"Remember what? Did something happen?"

Apparently not.

"Oh n-no! It was just a lot of fun. But uh... Don't you remember the close relationship you developped with my toilets? I'm sure they remember," I winked, putting my robe on with a smirk.

Jer didn't have to know about the drama that happened the night prior. I would tell him for sure, but not before I tell Michael.

"I'm never drinking again."

"We all say that," I chuckled, getting out of bed. "Breakfast?"

"Hell nah! I can't eat right now. I feel like I wanna throw up," he whined, rubbing his stomach.

"Then you better move your ass from this bed and go in that bathroom before you throw up in my bed," I advised, getting out of bed to fully open the curtains.

"Why do we have to be up so soon?" Jer complained, rubbing the tiredness off his eyes with a pout on his face.

"Wedding planner? In an hour?" I asked, my hands on my hips.

"Oh damn, is this today?"

"You're a shitty bride of honnor, Jeremy Davis," I declared, before walking towards the door.

"Wait, I can't meet the wedding planner with those clothes on!" Jer called, panicked.

"Michael left some shirts of his in the walk-in closet, take one!" I called back, heading towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I cut some fresh fruits in a bowl and made myself some coffee before sitting at the kicthen island peacefully, the only sound present being the shower's running. As tired as I was, I knew that the day was going to be very long and a rollercoaster of emotions. Meeting up with the person who's going to organize my wedding being the best part of it, of course.

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