Part 6: Feels Like Old Times

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Michael's point of view

To be honest, as time was flying by, I had the feeling that this wasn't the brightest idea to invit June over. Janet, June, Jessica and I were sitting in the living room, and I swear we could have heard flies if we listened carefully. The silence was killing me, and everytime I wanted to say something to June, Jessica just cut me off so I don't speak directly to her. Thank God Janet was here.

"So, tell me about what it's like to be the best known model on this planet?" Janet asked June, who was seated just next to her with her glass of water in bewteen her hands.

"Oh, I'm not this well-known," she said, blushing. "But I guess this is pretty cool. I really love what I do."

"I can see that, you're glowing," Janet said, and she was right. "Isn't she, guys?" she asked, looking towards Jessica and I, who were seated across from them, on the other couch.

Thank you, Dunk, I said to myself. This question actually made me uncomfortable, and feeling Jessica's stare on me made me quite nervous. I knew she was waiting for me to answer, but I didn't know what to say so I don't hurt her feelings, or so she doesn't start a fight with June. I knew both can be real feisty, and I didn't want any violence in my home.

Jessica never left my hand for a second, she stayed glued to me, and I think she was acting a bit too much, but then it hit me: she wasn't acting. She was jealous, and she wanted to show June I was hers, and no one else's.

"She's always been," I said with a nervous smile, not even looking at June.

Jessica made me uncomfrotable, and I don't think she was aware of this. I acted like an idiot. I was the one who invited June over, and now, because of Jess' behavior and also because of what I've done, I couldn't even look at June in the eyes because I was afraid Jessica notice the way I looked at her: like someone who's in love.

"She's fine, but she's nothing compared to Naomi Campbell. No offense," she said, giving her a fake smile, and I squeezed her hand to make her stop. "What?" she asked, looking at me. "I'm just being honest, and I didn't say this to be mean."

"None taken. Coming from you, I don't expect anything to be nice, ma chérie," June answered, mirroring her fake and sarcastic smile. "I met Naomi, and she's really beautiful, you're right on this point."

I could feel the gap between June and Jessica: June gained in maturity, while Jessica was acting like a jealous school girl. To be honest, I didn't like it at all. She wasn't even cute. When June was jealous, she was cute but it's not the case for everyone.

"Is Karl being a good mentor to you?" Janet asked kindly, seeing the conversation between those two was going nowhere.

"Honestly, I love him. He's the one who taught me everything I needed to know about this job, and he made sure I lacked nothing," she said, but I could feel she didn't say everything about him. "But he sometimes acts like he's my father or something, and I don't quite like this part of him."

"I know the feeling," I snorted, thinking about the way Frank used to be with me.

"That's how Frank used to be with you, right, honey?" Jessica asked me with a fake sad look on her face, rubbing my arm. She was really pissing me off at this point.

"Yes," I shortly answered.

It's unbelievable: everytime Jessica oppened her mouth, there was an uncomfortable and awkward silence in the room right after.

"Um, Jess, would you come with me for a sec, please... baby?" I asked her, playing the same game as her. I plastered a huge forced smile on my face, and I could see in the corner of my eye that June was looking at the both of us skeptically. "We'll be right back," I announced. "Excuse us."

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