Part 62: When I Say I Do (pt. 1)

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A/N: Here we go guys, the moment we've been waiting for for almost two years now. Two wonderful years spent with the most loving readers in the whole world. Do you feel the end coming? Because I do, and my heart aches at the simple thought I'll have to say goodbye to June and Michael soon. Now I hope you'll love those final chapters as much as I loved writing them.
PS: I advise you to listen to the music I put in the media. It's such a beautiful song!


April 6th, 1991.

June's point of view

This is it, I thought to myself as I slammed my alarm clock at the very second it rang as I was already awake.

This was the day, the day I'd been waiting for all my life, the day I imagined and dreamed of times and times again, and the day my father would have celebrated his 64th birthday on. It was finally here, and it was quite difficult for the information to sink in. Telling myself 'Today is my wedding day' sound so unreal to me. Why? Because I thought I would end up alone after I broke up with Michael. I really did. To me, there was no way in hell I could find someone better than Michael, nor someone I could love more than I loved him. And guess what? I never found better, because to me, he is perfection, and it has been him from the beginning, and it will always be him until the end.

Fate brought Michael and I back together because this is where we belonged: in each other's arms. He is the best part of me, the part I love the most about myself. He brought out what's best out of me, and I helped him to see what's so beautiful about him that he's not able to see by himself, because that's what marriage is also about. Being a team, thinking 'we' before thinking 'I', becoming one.

I smiled at my own thoughts, and finally got out of bed. I opened the curtains, and my sleepy eyes met the shining sun of California. Luckily, the sky was cloudless and light blue, which was perfect; rain would have messed up everything.

Surprisingly, I found myself being relaxed, while I thought I'd be a nervous wreck all day long. It is true that, I had a short night because I just couldn't stop thinking about some little details like 'What if I screw up my vows in front of everybody?' ; 'What if the photographer doesn't show up?' ; 'What if I faint when I see Michael in his suit?' ; 'What if people don't have a good time?' 'What if-...

Then I told myself to shut the hell up, because I was literally getting on my own nerves. And visibly, it worked.

But it didn't last long.

"Oh my... fuck! The ring!" I shouted, before running towards my bedroom's door, and knocking on the two guest bedrooms' doors. "Wake up! Emergency!"

I ran in the living room, and took the house phone from its hook while rummaging through papers to find the jeweler's number. My hands were shaking hard, and I was stomping my feet on the ground in panick.

"Come on, come on," I said, panick filling my entire being at that point.

I had to return Michael's wedding band a couple of days before because the engraving on the inside of the ring was spelled the wrong way. It was supposed to be written 'You are my home. Love you always', but instead of the word home, they engraved homie... Not the same impact, right?

Once I found the number, I started to type the numbers, but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind me. I jumped in surprise, letting a ridiculously loud high pitched scream out of my mouth.

"Whoa, easy there! Is someone being all nervous?" Jer teased, his arms crossed on his chest while Becks and Dave laughed next to him.

"What the fuck! Yes I'm fucking nervous because I forgot about Michael's ring and I-"

[MJ Fanfiction] Whatever Happens (Sequel to "What Happened That Day")Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon