Part 60: Valentine's Day

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A/N: Guys, I'm so sorry for the wait! It took me ages to update, but I've been quite busy these last few months. I hope you don't hate me though! I'll update more often from now on, I promise. This book is about to end, and the last chapters are already written. I guess I'm just a little scared to update because it gets me closer to the very end of this book. I hope you'll love this chapter though! Let me know in the comments what you'd like to see in the following chapters :) 
PS: The song in the media by David Bowie  is called Valentine's Day but the lyrics don't match with the situation. I just love this song so much. Take a listen to it if you don't already know it! 


Three months later, February 14th 1991, 
Nous Model Agency, Montecito, CA.

June's point of view

With my chin rested on the top of my hand, I looked out of the window to the beautiful Californian sun. It was still cold outside, but the sun was shining, and it made me happy. The tiniest thing made me happy these days, certainly because I was too busy being a nervous wreck as the wedding was just around the corner. Less than two months away, to be exact.

Everything was going well, and Kate was doing a wonderful job so far. She made sure to keep Michael an I both updated on the proceedings, and made sure to take care of most of it, as she perfectly knew we were both very busy people. Michael was working on his album, and I just inherited of Emily's agency, which didn't leave much room for planning a wedding by ourselves.

"Alright so the journalists should be down here in an hour," Crystal announced as she burst into my office without even knocking on the door.

"For fuck's sake, Crys! Nobody told you how to knock on a door?" I shouted a bit, a hand over my beating heart.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" she apologized, but had a half smile on.

"Hell yeah you did," I answered, and tried to calm down a bit. 

"Sorry, boss," she giggled slightly. 

"You're lucky you're cute," I joked, and sank deeper in my chair. "What did you say again?"

"The journalists will be here in an hour, you know, for the press conference," she specified, looking at me weirdly. "Is everything okay?"

"They're about to arrive, and I didn't even finish writing that damn speech," I declared, as I pushed the computer's pad away.

"I thought April said she'd help you with it? Where is she?"

"She got called back for a shooting for some ad, I don't remember the name," I nonchalantly said, as I looked at the words I wrote on my screen. "I can't fuck up the re-opening of the agency."

"I remember something you told us once," she softly said, as she sat across from me, on the other side of the desk. "You told us that sincerity doesn't need speech. You don't need one, you just need to tell them how you feel about your new job, and they'll see by themselves how passionate you are about it."

"Did I really say that? Damn, this advice sucks," I chuckled at myself, and Crys laughed along with me. "I've never done this kind of thing, you know. I don't even know what to tell them."

"They'll do the biggest part of the job by asking questions, don't you worry about this."

"I guess you're right," I shrugged, and erased the couple of sentences I typed. "I'll speak my heart out, as Ms. June Wellington once said. That smartass," I shook my head from side to side, causing the former newbie to laugh at me again.

"You'll be great, June, as always," she reassured, as she stood up from her chair. "If you need anyth—"

Crystal couldn't finish her sentence as she was cut off by someone knocking on the door.

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