Part 8: You're Like A Breath Of Fresh Air

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June's point of view

As I was walking in the long hallway that was leading to the master bredroom of Neverland's main house, I was feeling anxious and happy at the same time. I finally decided that I would tell Michael I never stopped loving him, and that I wanted him more than anyone else. My stomach was all tied up in knots, but I knew I had to do it. I needed to do that because spending the day with Michael was the only missing piece to my puzzle: I tried to lie to myself by saying I was over him, but after spending time with him, and seeing him again, I knew I'll probably always love him, so I gathered my courage and knocked on the bedroom's - I once called mine - door. Eveything was dark in the hallway, some branches were knocking on the windows, and the sounds of the wind blowing outside the house created an harrowing atmosphere. I didn't hear any response from Michael inside the bedroom, so I just decided to come in the room, instead of returning where I was coming from. I was scared the noises I was hearing were not what I thought they were, and that someone was following me.

I slowly closed the door behind me, and walked closer from Michael's bed, but no one was here. The only light in there was the lightening of the moon, and I was barely seeing through the darkness.

"Michael?" I whispered, walking around the room. "Are you here?"

No answers. I walked further around the room, whispering Michael name, but still nothing. I found this odd, and decided to check the bathroom. As I walked closer to the room, I noticed light underneath the door, and I instantly knew he was in here. I brushed my hair with my fingers, adjusted my pajamas, and came in the room, not bothering knocking on the door.

"Michael?" I asked, and cracked the door open. "Are you in there?"

"J-June? What are you doing here?" he asked, meeting me at the doorstep of the bathroom, shirtless. He opened the door fully, and looked at me skeptically. "What are you doing here?"

"I um, I need to, to talk to you," I stuttered, looking down. I was quite uncomfrotable with him being shirtless before my eyes because all I wanted was looking at his toned chest. "I know it's late, but something's on my mind. It couldn't wait, and there is no right time to tell you this."

"Um, okay. Just let me put a shirt on first," he said, confused.

He put his shirt on, and then we sat on his comfy bed. The same bed we made love together more than once.

"So tell me, what's on your mind? Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just..." I began, and loudly sighed. "Michael, I can't stop loving you. I never stopped, and probably ever will," I admitted, not wasting anytime to tell him. I was afraid I'll chicken out, so I just blurted it out. "I made the biggest mistake by letting you go, because you're all I want, you're all I need. Damn, you're my everything, and I know I won't be happy if you're not with me anymore. When you weren't here during those two years we spent apart, I was happy, but I wasn't fully happy. You're the missing piece to my puzzle, and I love you. I know you're married now, but I got the feeling you love me too," I explained, not making eye contact with him once. "I miss you, baby. I really do, and I want to start over with you," I whispered, feeling tears in my eyes at that point, and finally looking at Michael.

His eyes told me he didn't know what to say, they told me he was confused, and that he was about to break my heart. He tried to say something, but no words came out of his mouth. None.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come and--" I began, standing up from the bed, but Michael grabbed my arm, standing up as well.

"Don't go," he whispered, begging. He didn't let go of me, he even moved his hand to place it in mine. "I-I... I love you too. I've always had, and always will," he admitted in a whisper, and a huge smile spread across his gorgeous face. "I didn't know you..."

[MJ Fanfiction] Whatever Happens (Sequel to "What Happened That Day")Where stories live. Discover now