Chapter 103: Home. Well, Not Really

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I turn around to face them. "Because at night Erudite gets interesting. All of the city lights shut off at midnight, but Erudite keeps theirs on. They start performing experiments after midnight, too." I explain, and Maddie nods. "It gets pretty weird, and Jordan is one of Jeanine's pawns. Just figured that out, too." I clasp my hands together, turning back around.

"Did you watch the footage that was on the flash drive?" Maddie asks me. I turn and see that her eyebrows are raised. I move to stand beside her, Ty on her other side.

"Yeah. That's why I sent it to you; because I wanted you guys to see the profiles and other stuff that Jeanine is doing." I shrug.

"Five people have died trying to pass the simulation that Jeanine wants us to go under. Five people, and that's only so far." Maddie says worriedly.

"Yes, but that's only because they aren't your match or Ty's match, brain composure wise. You won't die from the simulation unless she tests you for someone else. She mainly wants background information on Convergents. She needs you two, because your children are the only ones that are known." I explain what I think, and she nods.

"So what you're saying is that we should turn ourselves in?" Ty narrows his eyes at me, and I shake my head.

"No, because it's dangerous. Not necessarily with Jeanine, but Jordan—well, there's no way to beat around the bush. He wants you dead." I say, frowning.

"We could attack Erudite, but that would disrupt the entire faction system and would spark a rebellion, so that's out." Maddie says to Ty, and he nods as we arrive at the control room. I punch in a code and the door creaks open. We all step inside, and walk down the twists and turns of the underground tunnels, eventually arriving at a door.

I pull it open, and allow Maddie and Ty to walk in. The only other person in the room is Four. I hear Ty's breathing hitch, and Maddie takes his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

I smile, and then shut the door behind me. "FOUR!" I scream, and he stands up, yanking his headphones off in his haste. I laugh, and I can see Ty ease up a bit.

"ZEKE!" He screams back at me, and I laugh even harder. "Wait, why are they here?" He points at Maddie and Ty.

"They're with me. Literally. They're living with me." I say, raising my eyebrows and placing a file down next to my computer, which is directly next to Four's.

"What?" Four asks, his face voicing his confusion more than that of his voice. Maddie and Ty talk to each other off to the side of the room, and I turn back to Four.

"Jordan and Jeanine are after them at the moment, so they're staying at my place for the next week or two." I shrug, and Four nods.

"But why?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck, just above where his tattoo peaks out of his shirt collar.

"Why...?" I ask.

"Why is Jordan after them? What?" He asks. I wonder what's on his mind that's making him so confused.

"Jordan has alerted Jeanine about this whole Convergent thing, and now she's testing Divergents for Convergent stats that are based on Ty and Maddie. Five people have died from the simulation, and she's sending Jordan out to get Maddie and Ty because she wants 'real testing subjects' who have actual statistics!" I whisper. He nods.

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