11- Yep, Going to Get My Eyes Scratched Out.

Start from the beginning

I lifted my head as I looked out my window, I didn’t know Ravenwood had wolves! My favorite animal in the world, and I didn’t even know that they lived here.

I was now a woman with a purpose. I lifted my head off my bed, and shuffled over to wear my computer lay. Picking it up and quickly searching “Ravenwood Wolves.” I came up to no results. Huh, that’s weird. Maybe I just needed to broaden my search. I backed up and tried “California Wolves.”

5 Results.

Yes! I clicked on the top link and read the article.

California is known for many things, fame, fortune, and heartbreak; one thing it isn’t particularly known for is its wildlife. California is home to many animals. But wolves are not one of them, California hasn’t held home to wolf in over 75 years.

I didn’t bother reading any farther. If California had no wolves, then why did I hear a howl? Did a wolf kill Dakota?

Speaking of Dakota, I shivered as images of him haunted my mind. It did look like some animal killed him, but it could’ve been a bear.

Bears don’t howl, dumbass! My inner voice screamed.

Well look who decided to show up for my headache party! ‘No one asked for your opinion!’ I thought back. Shutting my laptop, and rubbing my temples my mind raced.

For some reason I couldn’t help but connect Dakota’s murder, Derek’s weird actions, and the wolf together. It was all connected, it had to be. I just couldn’t figure out what.

Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to Nancy Drew my way through it tonight, I jumped back on my bed and drifted into sleeping, dreaming of Derek.


School was canceled today due to the fact a body was found in the woods yesterday, so I sat at home, eating cereal while Noah went out with his friends. I know I should at least get to know my brother’s friend’s names, but I just couldn’t be bothered. Oh the benefits of being utterly and completely lazy.

As appealing as solitude sounded, I didn’t want to sit at home all day, especially with crazy animal killing things on the loose. So I did what any girl would do, I called Hanna.

Ring. Ring. Ring. I then heard the sound of shuffling, followed by a stifled, “Put your money where your mouth is mother!”

I laughed, Hanna was a trip.

“Sorry about that, Nova, what’s up?” she asked, sounding completely fine. I would have thought that with her friend being murdered she would be a bit more upset. I mean, what if I died? I pushed the thought away.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come over, and have a lazy day. I mean with me ski- I mean, staying home yesterday, and not seeing you since Saturday; I actually kind of miss you!” Who knew the friend I was forced to have by my psycho brother I would actually miss?

“We need to talk anyway, I’ll be over in a few.” She said, sounding pissed.

“Okay, bye.”

“Yeah bye.” Click.

Oh god, she knew. And she was going to scratch my eyeballs out.

Derek’s P.O.V.

I lay in my bed for what felt like hours, years even. My head was filled with so many thoughts that I could hardly concentrate on one thing. Half of my mind consumed with the body in the woods, and the other half filled with Nova.

Hmmm… Nova. She smelled like apple-butter and honeycombs. Her blonde hair that fell just below her shoulders was waved to perfection. He body was perfect, she had curves in all the right places, and she was so short. I could probably swallow her in my arms, and I loved the thought of it. Not to mention her eyes, they shined blue like the sky, pulling me in and making it hard for me to concentrate on anything other than her. And then there was her smile, I’ve only seen it a few times, but her smile made me want to kiss her, and have her lips on mine once again.

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