“Yeah, that’s him all right. Why? Do you have a crush on him or something?” I asked skeptically.

          She blushed, not needing to give me an answer.

          “Well stick with me Hans, and I can help you win over my brother.” I said as she lit up with hope.

          “Yay!” she screamed and hugged me. “I have to get to math now...” she began.

          “I have math to, let’s go Hans.” I gave her a nickname. She didn’t seem to mind. I also didn't know how I hadn't noticed her in my math class. Was I really that spacey?

          Yes. My inner voice replied.

           Man I hate her, she's such a bitch.

          Back to my other thoughts on Hanna, she looked like my brothers type; smart and beautiful. I wondered what made her so insecure.

          As I went about my day, getting to know Hanna some more I found out why. In a school full of beautiful people, someone was going to be less beautiful than the other, and with no one to make that decision, Amber made the decision for everyone, picking Hanna as her victim. Nothing was wrong with Hanna, she was smart, funny, outgoing, and she even dated the most popular boy at school, Nick Spears. Yes, Derek’s older brother Nick. But whatever Amber wants, she gets. She wanted Nick, so she spread horrid rumors around about Hanna. Rumors so horrid, that I wasn’t even going to repeat them after she told me. So Nick, being a boy who believes anything he is told, left Hanna for Amber. They didn’t last long though, rumor has it Amber’s family and Nick’s have been rivals for ages, so they broke it off. But that didn't stop Amber from taunting Hanna, in fact, she only got worse. So Hanna decided to suck it up and take it, saving herself from fighting daily.

          Hanna also informed me that Derek hates Amber, but Amber has something on him. So Derek is pretty much Amber’s lapdog. “So you might want to watch out, Nova, Derek could be doing dirty work for Amber, whether he wants to or not.” She warned me at lunch. We sat alone at a table together, and I could see Noah looking at me with a smug look on his face; happy that I had made my  one friend.

          I shrugged at his looks, thinking of Derek, who I hadn’t seen all week, and I hadn’t planned on seeing him either, at least that’s what I told myself. “I don’t think I will have a problem with Derek, Hanna.” She looked at me doubting that, “He only talked to me Monday, and has been M.I.A. ever since.” I further explained. She nodded her head, as she took another bite of her pizza. Did I forget to mention that Ravenwood High has like the best foods? I was going to gain a few pounds this year.


Derek’s P.O.V.

          No matter what I did I found myself thinking about Nova. She just wouldn’t get out of my head! I couldn’t even figure out why. She wasn’t like every other girl, that’s for sure. She didn’t swoon for me, like all the others did. It kind of hurt my ego. I mean, every girl likes me, loves me even. I wasn’t afraid to show any of them a good time. I couldn’t risk having a girlfriend, not with my secret. But I could have a one night stand here or there. I sighed, Nick got everything he wanted, he had a girlfriend, plenty of friends, and no one messed with him. I, on the other hand, chose to be selective with my friends, only keeping a handful. I couldn’t risk getting close to people, and not being able to tell them the truth. The whole truth about who I am, it was enough to make them not want to be friends with me anyway.

          That’s why I couldn’t get close to Nova, as much as I wanted to.


          She was just a stupid girl! Why am I trying to get to know her? I even stayed home all week just to clear my head, and to stay away. This is so frustrating… I don’t know who I am anymore. What happened to staying away from people, for their own good? I was feared around school, and only slutty girls got through my barrier, but only for sex; nothing more, nothing less. But Nova wasn’t a slut, in fact, she turned down my charm, no girl ever did that. But I had some effect on her; I could hear her heart beat speed up when I was around her. So I either scared her, or she thought I was good looking.

          I was good looking though. I was downright sexy, and not afraid to admit it! But why didn’t Nova say that to me? God, I need a smoke, I’m starting to sound like a girl!

          I walked outside of my house and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my back pocket, lighting one up. I knew it didn’t affect me that much, but it slightly calmed me, and added to my ‘not to be messed with’ aura. I took a deep breath, inhaling the vicious but sweet smoke, letting it roll down my throat, and into my lungs. It wasn’t helping as much as it should. Damn. That’s when I heard footsteps behind me. I sighed, turning around. My eyes grew wide with shock.

          “What, are you not happy to see me?” the all too familiar voice laced with venom, said to me.


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Picture on the side is of Hanna :)

Song is - Florence and the Machine - Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up)



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