Chapter 29

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Thanks for the compliments. I like that people can enjoy this :)

I don't feel like leaving the lake. I look at the sparkling lake from the truck window. Zack and I sigh at the same time, then laugh. That was very jinx-like. "Hope you enjoyed drinking beer and getting a boner."


"For what? Are you giving me a present I deserve?"

"Sorry I punched your face and hurt your feelings."

"Sorry I kicked your balls."

He shakes his head as if to get rid of the memory. "That hurt like hell."

I giggle and he glares at me with daggers piercing me. I stop and keep a straight face over my giggling. "I'm serious! It hurt like a mofo!"

"What is a mofo?"

"A mother fucker."

"Oh, well you fuck mom's?"

"Well, your going to be the mother of my kid unless you've been busy and betraying me, so yeah I guess."

I roll my eyes and punch his arm lightly. I look down and chuckle. He's still got a boner. He pulls my face up, glaring. "You ready?"

"For what?"

I get up and sit in his lap. I turn my head around and kiss him. My hand sits on his thigh, purposely and my other hand stays in his messy hair. Guess I don't win because he attacks me after just making-out in the cabin. Oh well. Young people today love sexuality if you don't notice.

Use your youth while you have it they say.

I laugh and he groans. "Why do you have to taunt me? You know I can't fuck you while your pregnant."

"My revenge and your regret!"

My fingers run across the edge of his leg to be harsh and bitchy. "Jamie," he groans.



I laugh. "Your catching on."

"Why do you do this to me?"

I roll my eyes and go back to my seat. "Zack, you did that at the worst time. When my plan to dump Cameron was about to unfold. If you had of done it later, I would've let you and I would've enjoyed it. Don't you think now that I'm dating you, I wish I could too?"

His eyes give away that he didn't think about that. "Well I guess I have to say sorry again."

"You should be sorry. We both have many things to regret and be sorry about."

"I'm really worried that girls at school are gonna call you a whore, slut, anything and sometimes beat you up. Jamie, aren't you worried about the girls at school?"

"The guys will think I'm easy the girls will think I'm disgusting. I know all of this already and I guess I should start worrying already. But Zack, worry yourself."


"People might be angry with you and some guys might congradulate you and try to befriend you to try to get close to me because they think I'm easy. We have to watch our backs."

"That's for sure."

"I want a promise. We have to promise we will stick together, okay?"

He grins and we high-five. "I got your back, Miss Skinny."

"Thank you, Mr. British."

I'm suprised to find myself thinking about something in particular that I said to forget about. School is about to start and I want it to be easy on me past the crossdressing shit. But what can I do to make them go easy on me? This is gonna be hard.

I text Zack for help.

Zack Rider: If u can't think of it urself, that proves blonds are stupid :P

Jamie Miller: I not stupid! I very smart!

Zack rider: Lol :) Well I have an idea, Blonde

Jamie Miller: And it is?

Zack is a brunette for sure! He's really smart if he comes up with that. He comes over with a camera and I get on my Windows Movie Maker. I get a picture of me and then Cameron and then start taping from Zack's camera the beginning.

"I wanted to make Cameron Sampson." I take a pause because I will show a picture of him. "Becuase of boredom. I met Zack Rider who was transferring tomorrow." I pause because it will show Zack. "Blah, blah, blah. I met Ashton and got pissed then said I was dating Jamie Miller, myself."

I take a breath. "Blah, blah, blah. I fell in love with Zack and couldn't dump myself because of my own personal reasons that would mess up so much. Blah, blah, blah, fuck it. Zack punched me in the face as Cameron and I acted like Cameron punched me in the nose. I dumped Cameron and blah, blah, blah.

"I got grounded for reasons you'll know soon and then had to sneak out in disguise, or as Cameron. Ashton saw me and Emily who were hanging out." I will show a picture of Emily. "And blah, Zack tried to beat me up. Fuck the ending because here it is fuckers!" I flip off the screen and laugh.

Zack and I make the video and then watch it and post it on facebook. I tag: Ashton, Emily, Zack, myself, and someone else tags Cameron.

After that Zack and I share at kiss and go downstairs to get something to drink. Olive and Jeremy are playing Monoply Aunt Kathy. Dad's at work, Evan's flying off to his new school. Mark's off visiting Kelly. Everything seems so odd. Since Zack got here so many things have happened to me.

My parents divorce, I broke my hand and got punched in the nose, the school shooting, Connie became a criminal, Jace died, I met Jeremy and Kelly, I fell in love with Zack, I got pregnant, and I've learned so many things. So many things and now that I think about it, he may have been the worst thing that happened to me! But that's why it's awesome.

I get a glass of lemonade and we run back up the stairs that have raised the white flag and said sorry to my fuckin' feet. Zack goes in my room and I shut the door.

                                                      Ending . . .  

I hope you enjoyed The Crossdresser by Bannawilleaturfamily & Bunnie-sama! (sorry no more time left on our hands to write it)

The song is the original I Love The Way You Lie by Skylar Grey

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