Chapter 19

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Poor Jamie having to go through the crap called "love" 

I wake up in the morning and Emily is making breakfast with Gale. I yawn and stretch around for a while. Emily starts setting the table while Gale makes the food. "Morning," I say/yawn.

"Hey," Gale says not paying attention to who he's saying it to.

"Hi, Jamie," Emily greets and I help her finish setting the table. "Will you go wake up Zack and Mark?"


I go into Mark's room and grab his blanket. I yank and his eyes fly open as he falls onto the cold floor. "Ow, dammit! Why can't you be more gentle?!"

Dropping the blanket on his head, I start running out of the door to go after Zack's room. I know Mark will be up after hitting his head. I open the door and he's asleep. I slowly sneak over to his bed and then yank his blanket like I did to Mark. Why be different to only Zack?

He doesn't fall or wake up. My hands fly to my hips while I think of another method. I know Zack and Zack will wake up if I make him . . .  eventually. My mind comes up with something and I close the door slowly. I hide behind a the door to his closet, and start banging on the door. He moves around. I keep on banging and then he flies up.

I stop.

"What the hell?" he mutters and gets up. I'm gonna get out but, oh shit. He starts undressing and coming over here. Dammit! If I pop out now, he'll be pissed off and standing in front of me pissed off in his underwear. My instincts tell me to hide and I hide behind a bunch of clothes in the corner. "Ugh!" he groans and stretches I think.

I can only see the colors of the clothes and I don't like hiding like this. I can hear him searching through the clothes and yawning from exhaustion of waking up. I try not to laugh from how thrilling this is. And how this is making my heart pound in excitement of whether he'll find me or not. I cover my mouth to muffle my laughs.

Then I hear him putting on his clothes and I try not to laugh. I know my face must be red and I feel like a pervert or a stalker, but that is not the case! I can't help it though! Shit this feels so wrong and I want to leave so bad! Invisible powers on! . . . Psh! As if! I keep quiet and then I hear him grunt. "Where the hell did my shoes go?"

He starts digging in the mess of a closet he's already made (I wonder how he accomplished messing it up so fast?) I can't move because he'll see clothes moving. I suck in my breath as he feels my shirt from where I'm hiding and moves on. He eventually comes back to my pile. "Damn," I whisper very, very quietly.

"Hmm . . . " he mumbles to himself. He seems to talk to himself a lot . . . Zack starts throwing off some of the clothes and then -- oh shit -- he finds me. "What the hell?! Jamie?!"

I stand up and clothes fall off of me. "I came to wake up you and I knocked on this door to make you get up, then when I was gonna come out you started undressing and I had to hide! I don't wanna be caught by you while your in your underwear!"

Most people would be mad, but he just starts laughing his ass off. He sits on his bed and starts rolling around, laughing. My face is turning brighter than before and I can feel the heat of it. My instincts make me start stomping away all huffy because he's laughing at me. I'd rather he be angry with me then humorous with me.

Zack grabs me while laughing. "Your smart not to confront me while I'm undressed. Who knew what I would've done to you."

My mouth goes into a big "O" and I glare at him. "Jerk!"

He keeps on laughing at me from my little attitude and doesn't let me go while he laughs. My heart is beating faster just from touch now. I look at the wall in the other direction so my glare won't hit him. Zack stops laughing after about two more minutes. "Sorry, it's just that how you immediately explained yourself was hilarious. Like I was gonna hit you or yell at you."

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