Chapter 8

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Anyone like the new cover? O_O ? The old cover was kind of good but I like the new one too! Also I've never met someone like Jamie! She's so odd!

"Have you felt like hurting anyone lately, Jamie?" Peter asks me.

"Peter, why is that any of your business?"

"Because I'm your therapist."

"Well . . . hmm . . . I beat up a girl at school because she hurt me! And really, she shouldn't have hit me or I wouldn't have hit her back. I have wanted to hurt Mandy Tyler because she's such a bitch! Who wants to hangout with her when she's a Jesus freak that sucks up to the teachers as the Queen of Suck-ups! Peter didn't you have enemies in school, really that means there is nothing wrong with wanting to hurt your enemy!"

"So Jamie . . . what did you want to do to this Mandy girl?"

I think. "Well, I didn't think about that. I wanted to just hit her because really pisses me off!"

"Jamie!" Mom yells at me for cussing. I shrug and she sighs. "So, what do you think?"

"I think you should start giving her the medicine every morning now. It should calm down her violent thoughts, but I want to hear a little more first before it's decided completely. Now tell me Jamie if you've had any other mad moments."

Once again I'm forced to think or I'll never get out of this stuffy room. Pastels. Ew. Who would want to use pastels? I would want checkered walls and floors to make it all interesting! I mean really! "Jamie!" Mom yells. "Pay attention!"

"Oh yeah! Well, I got mad at Connie's mom for lying to me and saying that Connie wasn't home when we were worried about Connie! Zack and I went to try to see if she was in her room and . . . well that's the end of the story! I was only a little mad! Not as mad as when I did something stupid and now I'm dating someone!"

Mom and Peter sigh again. "Jamie, quit rambling on and tell us why you got mad at Connie's room."

"That's not my business to say."



"Jamie, I'm serious."

"I'm serious too, Peter."

"Jamie!" Mom yells at me again.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Tell Mr. Rock what made you mad."

"I can't."


"Because I have to pee."

They groan again and I go to the restroom where I go pee ad look in the mirror. I can't tell them what I saw because that's something I can't say. Yes it pissed me off to see that, but I guess that's because I used to like Jace. I get some water and splash my face. I look at myself and give myself confidence on what I'm gonna say! I give myself a high-five by slapping the mirror.

I go out and sit down again. "Now, Jamie, just tell me. We all want to end this session."

"I saw Connie drawing a picture that said "Principal Hogan is S-E-X-Y! Who says that?! She's frustrating me because who likes the principal? Really, that's just making me with how she's complicating things between her and Jace! You know! Just really, really, frustrating!"

They give me a look like I'm stupid. Peter takes off his glasses and pinches inbetween his eyebrows. "Alright then," he sighs. "I think your getting easily angered now. Take the medicine every morning. I'll inform the pharmacy, okay?"

"Thank you, Mr. Rock." Mom elbows me in the ribs.

I think of what to say before I leave. "Peter your only like twenty-five right? You should get a different job because you seem like a tired person!"

Mom elbows me again and we leave. Mom's quiet all the way downtown. She doesn't take the right down our street but she goes all the way to McDonald's. We get out of the car and I wonder why she would take me here. Maybe she's planning to sell me off?! Yeah right. I laugh at my own joke and she gives me a look like I'm crazy.

She gets me a milkshake and sits down. "I don't understand why your so rebellious and don't tell me anything."

"Well, we can't all be named Sue and Bob! We can't all be perfect little school girls with pretty brown hair and plaid skirts with rich Daddies, Mom."

 Sorry it's such a short one but the freakin' Wattpad refused to save past this >_<

 The video is Love Game by Lady Gaga

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