Chapter 3

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Meeting of them <3 <3 <3!!!! Well, don't worry. Very interesting chapter and no don't assume that something romantic happens immediately. Don't think pervertedly on the first paragraph either!

Today rocked and sucked. It was thrilling and horrifying. Seriously, I can't say that I wanted to, but I did and it felt good (don't think of it pervertedly please). Now I'm thinking, was everything else worth all the praise?

I get to school and sit down beside Emily. "You seen the new guy yet?" she asks me looking a little too pretty today. I'm suspicious already.

"NOOOOO," I say at her like I'm lying.

"Your lying! What does he look like?!"

I laugh. "I've seen him on facebook he's--"

"Alright! Shut up!" Mr. Howard yells at us grunting. "Alright, come up here, Zack."

I didn't think Zack was that good looking! I look at him when he stands up at the front. Blue eyes, short brown hair, he's tall and buff, and he's nice sounding. "Zack Rider. I moved from England. I lived here when I was a baby and moved to England to live with my grandparents."

I'm surprised when he says: "Gale you can show him around, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good then, go sit down by Gale."

Zack goes by me and he looks at me peculiar. Dammit! Did he figure out I'm Cameron?!

But he goes on and sits in the chair behind me since Gale sits behind Emily. He whispers while Mr. Howard is talking. "Have I seen you somewhere?"

He's got sort of a british accent, and really, that's hot. "I added you on facebook."

"Oh. Who were you?"

"Jamie Miller."

"Oh. Makes sense now."

Dammit he's smart. I'd be so embarrassed if anyone found out without me telling that I acted like a boy on facebook. They'd think I'm a lesbian. I sigh thinking maybe that wasn't the smartest idea then. 

At lunch Emily, Gale, Zack, and I sit at a table that's unusuallt crowded . . . "So Zack," a girl says leaning in on him, "what's your type?"

"My business."

I chuckle. Sounds like me.

Emily elbows me and I glare at her. "What are you doing?" I ask my friend, rubbing my ribs that know hurt.

"Your sitting in front of him and you do nothing? You really need to get out."

"You know that I don't date after what happened with my last boyfriend."

"You mean J--"

"Shh!" I say kind of loud.

She shuts up for a while and then brings up another topic that annoys me. "Can you hangout after school?"

"I got grounded for slamming the door in my gramma's face. She's pissed off so I'm grounded for a week or so. I'll probably get out of it soon if I don't yell at the stairs, be good, and that crap."

"You yell at the stairs?" she acts like I'm a little off the cliff.

"Yes! Their always, always trying to trip me down them! It's really painful to fall down a flight of stairs, you know?!"

She shakes her head like she doesn't get what I'm talking about. I decide to just ignore her then and go back to my pudding. "Hey," Zack says to me while I have a mouthful of pudding in my mouth.

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