Chapter 5 - Love How It Hurts

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“Are you okay babes!?! I'll beat the shit out of that ass hole!!” They were both shouting at me now.

“Please guys, I'd rather we just pretend everything's normal 'k?” I murmured hoping it wouldn't hurt their feelings. They both just smiled weakly at me apologising about ten billion times.

We all wandered into the school doors heading for our lockers when I saw Lexie leaning back against her locker, looking up at Daniel with goo goo eyes, giggling at whatever he was saying while he was leaning quite close to her, smiling and chatting away. I know it shouldn't bother me, I should have more faith but I know how that girl works and I couldn't help but feel my heart sink slightly.

“Hey ass hole! What the fuck do you think you're playing at? You know damn fine what your girlfriend's been through and you don't even have the decency to meet her at the gate. No! Instead you let her find you standing there flirting with a whore!” When I heard those words I died a little. Andrew was a great friend but my God he has no tact! Daniel suddenly looked really awkward and looked at me before staring at the floor. Lexie stood there with her mouth open for a few second before replying.

“Well, at least he has taste!” she laughed cruelly and skipped off in her disgustingly high high heels. I felt my legs go weak suddenly and I ended up almost crashing to the floor but luckily Andy caught me. This was too much, maybe I should have stayed at home; at least there I could cry, at least there I didn't have people staring at me and spreading rumours like wild fire.

I must have blacked out because somehow I ended up in the nurse's office on a sofa with Danny staring at me with a pained expression. I gazed into his eyes, trying to read how he was feeling but he wasn't letting any emotions go. When he realised that I was awake he sprung to life and crawled over to me on his knees.

“I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you baby! I just got caught talking and I know that's not an excuse but it was a genuine mistake, I wasn't flirting with Lexie at all even though I know it seemed that way! I love you more than anything, I never want to lose you. You mean more to me than I can physically say! Come round to mine tonight, I'll even watch 'Tangled' with you, even though I can't stand that film! I'd do anything for you...”

He went on for a while saying some random lovey dovey stuff but to be honest, I'm not in the mood for it. If he knew about what happened then why didn't he come see me last night or this morning? I live on the same street as him for goodness sake! He didn't even text me. Does he even care?

“Are you okay baby? You haven't said anything, you know I don't like it when people blank me.” Oh poor you! I thought venomously and I turned to look at him.

“I'm going to maths now, please tell the nurse that I'm not going home.” I stood up slowly and walked towards the door.

“Baby please!” he whimpered. I turned around and looked at him. He did seem sorry and he did wait with me until I woke up so maybe it was just a human error. I looked into his beautiful eyes and melted. I ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug possible, feeling his big arms wrap comfortably around me.

“I love you,” he whispered. I hugged him tighter nuzzling my face into his neck.

Daniel hobbled with me to maths and we spent the rest of the day just chatting and cuddling as if nothing had happened. I saw Andy once at lunch time and gave him a wave to which he waved back with far more enthusiasm than I thought was possible which made me laugh. I felt Daniel's arms tighten around me slightly when this happened and I looked up at him curiously. His jaw was tight, and he looked like he was grinding his teeth slightly.

“What's up with you grumpy?” I mocked.

“Nothing,” he replied gruffly, staring at Andy who wasn't even paying attention. Him, Martin and Simon had started break dancing in the middle of the playing field much to the annoyance of the first years who were pretending they were good at football to impress their midget girlfriends.

What's he suddenly so grumpy about? He's never been the jealous type before and I mean it's not like Andy's ever had a thing for me anyway so I don't get it. Maybe it's just guilt as Andy was there for me when he should have been.

 “Hey babe, urmmm you know how we were gonna hang out tonight? Turns out I have some other plans so I don't think we can...sorry...” I'm not sure if it was anger, disappointment or sadness which hit me then, but whatever it was it made my heart sink. He's never put me second before and now I actually need him he's being about as supportive as a mouldy twig! What ever happened to 'I'd do anything for you'?

I said nothing to his statement but picked up his hands from around my waist and dropped them so they flopped by his side, turned and walked away from him towards Andy. If he was going to play it like this and make me feel second best then two can play at that game.

Andy noticed me walking over and called my name happily. How come that guy is always so God damn happy? Even when he's shattered and has a half destroyed face he's still got a spring in his step. I held out my arms wide in a theatrical gesture meaning 'hug?'. He responded by holding his arms out even wider and skipped over singing 'Follow The Yellow Brick Road' picking me up and twirling me in a circle like I was a little girl.

“You all right baby?” he laughed cheerfully.

“Yeeaaah, just got bored of the formality of life over with the 'cool kids'," I lied smoothly.

“Well that's to be expected. You do go out with an arrogant prick of a man,” Martin said matter-of-factly exchanging eye contact with Andy.

“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked squinting my eyes and raising an eyebrow.

“Daniel isn't exactly... modest is he? He loves himself to be fair and every other girl loves him too and he knows it!” Martin explained calmly. “Without sounding too harsh, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd cheated on you already to be quite honest.” With that last statement I saw Andy's fists clench up.

“If he ever does anything like that to hurt you, I will destroy him!” he growled, looking really scary.

“Whoa! Calm down dear, he's not done any such thing yet has he? So don't go all protective on me alright! God! You're worse than my Dad I swear!!” I said glaring at him. He muttered angrily in response. Seriously, these guys have some proper issues lately! I turned to see where Danny and the rest of them had got to. I spotted Esther and Eiko and few of the other girls being chatted up by some cocky second years and the guys seemed to have filtered off to the basketball court, but I couldn't spot Danny.

“Maybe I was a bit harsh on him...” I muttered to myself walking over to Esther and Eiko. “Guys, have you seen Danny?”

“Urmm no, last time I saw him was when you were with him," replied Esther, the rest of the girls nodding in agreement. Okay, that's a bit odd, he never just wanders off, especially when the rest of his crew were playing basketball.

After much enquiring and searching, I was about to give up when I bumped into Lexie looking tarty as ever, putting lip gloss on.

“Hey babe! Dan's by the janitor's cupboard by the way,” she smiled an evil little smile and stalked off, swaying her hips and swishing her hair. I stood there for a moment in confusion before heading in the direction of the janny's cupboard and bumped into Danny on my way.

“Oh, err, hey babe,” he said glancing around the corridor looking distracted, “I, umm, am supposed to be somewhere. I'll catch you later yeah?” This is seriously starting to do my head in - what the hell is going on!

“Danny!!” I shouted down the corridor after him. “If you like Lexie that much then please just ditch me okay?! I'm not going to get in your way...” I drifted off, turning around so he couldn't see me welling up as I walked away. I heard him calling after me but I managed to lose him after I speed-walked into the girl's toilets before breaking down in a cramped cubicle. This day really couldn't get any worse. I felt like dying in a hole. My heart was aching so painfully I clutched at my chest, crying hard, hoping by some mysterious circumstance that the last few days had all been a dream and I could wake up back to my happy, naïve self again.

It was then I heard the doors of the girls toilets smash open.

“Dee, baby, I promise you nothing is happening between me and Lexie! It's just been a rough time at home lately, Courtney's back...” he trailed off.

Undisclosed Desiresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें