Chapter 4 - You've Got A Friend In Me

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**It's not an 'action/drama' filled chapter, but it's cute xD Please tell me what you think! :) **

Suddenly the pressure lifted off me and I heard some banging and grunting, every bone in my body told me to run for it but I couldn't move. I couldn't even open my eyes, I just stood flat against the wall shaking from shock, tears running down my face. It was only when I felt soft familiar hands touch both my arms and a warm comforting voice whisper in my ear, “Don't worry babe, I've got you,” then I opened my eyes.

* * *

I stared up at the ceiling, was that just a dream? It's all so hazy... Why am I in bed and fully clothed though? I sat up slowly rubbing my head in confusion and then looked about my room and discovered to my confusion that there was a policeman; Dad staring emotionless at a picture of me when I was five; my tearful mother and a rather dishevelled looking Andy. Suddenly I felt my eyes well up and within two seconds I was in floods of tears. I couldn't control myself, I just wanted to cry and not stop. Mum then decided to fling herself at me and started crying too. Dad just glared harder at the photo and Andy sat fumbling around with an old t-shirt of mine which seemed to now have blood on it somehow.

After a long explanation from the policeman I discovered that Andy had seen the man attack me and pulled him away from me; the unknown man had unfortunately managed to escape and so it's still unsure who he actually is. He assured me that they would do all they could to find out who this man was and punish him as best they can.

“That man will pay for what he did...” hissed Dad venomously after the policeman had left before stalking out the room angrily. My tears seemed to have dried up along with Mum's and all three of us just sat in silence for a good ten minutes before Mum jumped up and said uncertainly,

“I'll go order pizza yeah? I'll get your favourite,” giving me a weak smile. “You staying for tea Andrew?”

“Urmm, yeah sure,” he smiled up at my Mum and she walked briskly out the room trying to hold herself together. After she'd gone, Andy walked over to me, scooped me up in his arms before lying down on my bed. I just lay there listening to his heartbeat for what felt like forever while he cuddled me carefully in his arms.

There had obviously been some kind of fight between him and the man as he had scratches and bruises all over his face and arms. What was he going to say to his father? He was one of the most protective people on this planet and the idea of his son being harmed would send him sky rocketing. Though maybe he would understand and finally realise that Andy's old enough to fend for himself and doesn't need to be babied anymore. Andy saved me... It only just hit me what had happened. He could have been killed! For all he knew that freak rapist could have had a knife or a gun! I couldn't cope with that idea, I couldn't ever lose him.

“Now you're just being melodramatic,” Andy chuckled under his breath, smiling lightly at me. Shit! Did I say that out loud? Oops. I smiled weakly back up at him.

“Thank you. For everything. You've been more than brilliant, problem is, I'm now gonna feel like I have to return the favour!” I laughed sadly.

“Well... There is one thing I've always wanted which only you can help me with...” He drifted off sadly.

“Anything! I promise I will give you the world, Andy!” I replied rolling onto my front so I was lying on top of him properly and staring into his eyes.

“You really shouldn't say that to a guy when you're lying on top of him!” he winked cheekily, laughing. I laughed and rolled off him but stayed close and snuggled into his side instead. He refused to tell me what it was he wanted though. I bugged him for hours and hours but still he kept his mouth shut saying I should just forget it. 

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