Chapter 14 - I Used To Be Love Drunk But Now I'm Hungover...

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**Okaaaaay really short chapter but I thought I'd put it out there because I need to get into the habit of uploading more :') Enjoy my mini chapter **

The last two periods of the day seemed to go on forever with the constant barrage of similar questions:

“OMG did you seriously split with Dan?”

“Hey, you going out with Andy Lucas now?”

Do people not get bored? You tell one person always in the hope that maybe they'll tell everyone else for you but apparently that's not how this works; everyone wants to know for themselves. The whole school knew by now about what happened at Crystal's party, so a lot of people just gave me sympathetic looks and asked if it was because of that that we split up.

My response to all the interrogating was always kept the same though, “it's complicated”, a simple statement which seemingly causes a lot of aggravation to the gossipers of this world. They all started stomping their feet at me, demanding me to tell them further details to which I would just sigh and stare into the distance until they got the idea that they weren't getting any more information.

According to the whispers around my Art class, Dan had disappeared at lunch: no one had obviously seen much of the fight or else I'm sure I would have been made deaf with the amount of people wanting to know every single detail of my disastrous love life between Andy and Dan.

I still feel bad though. At one point in my life Dan had been my lifeline, he helped me up when life got rough and I felt like I owed it to him to at least break up with him properly. There is still part of me which still loves him after all of this though; his quirky smile, his ruffled hair, his sick minded jokes, his infectious laugh all the things which used to make my stomach tingle.

I could feel tears welling up as I remembered how it used to be – those times which I'd wanted to last forever. But my Dan wasn't there any more; he was long gone and replaced with this angry, jealous, control-freak seemingly full of hatred and bitterness. Maybe it was because he seemed to have lost his sister, he felt he couldn't lose me... This thought caused my heart to sink: maybe I was too hard on him?

“Dee?... Dee!” A happy voice broke my reverie and I glanced up feigning happiness. “Well that's a convincing happy face if ever I saw one.” Eiko glared at me making me blush and turn away from her. She sighed, “Dee, it wasn't your fault! He punched you in the face really hard girl!!!” Eiko started laughing slightly. “He almost broke your neck – if a guy's capable of doing that to the girl he's supposed to love then he's not worth your time.”

She was right I guess, I didn't want to end up like one of those beaten up wives in later life that's for sure! I smiled lightly, I have Andy anyway... My lovely Andy... With that amazing thought all my anguish vaporised and I rejoined the conversation of 'which one of these topless models from this magazine have fitter abs'.

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