Chapter 8 - Don't Stand So Close To Me

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**Yeeeaaaah, I know it's been a while since the last upload but it's been a crazy time! School's been mental! Who'd have known 5 highers was gonna be such hard work! D: Also there may be a guy distracting me.... :D good times!!! <3  love you all! Comment, vote - anything please? :o **

I had spent all night going through everything in my head a hundred times over until I got bored of myself and decided to go for a shower to clean away all my problems. I scrubbed so hard it started to hurt. I switched the water off, hopped out the shower and grabbed a towel and started drying myself. I turned around and bumped into a hard chest.

I looked up in shock and saw Dan staring down at me, raking his eyes down my body. “Urmm, what the hell Dan? Kinda feeling a bit vulnerable here...” I laughed nervously.

“I know, that's kinda why I'm here,” he winked, clasping his hand round mine which was holding up the towel and with the other he held my free hand.

“Umm can I get dressed first please Dan? I'm all up for the affection just not when I'm quite this naked...” I said hopefully.

“Nope,” he smirked at me, yanking my hand off the towel and it dropped to the floor.

“Dan!” I yelled trying to get his grip off my hands but he held them tightly and pulled his eyes across my body which I was desperately trying to hide. He pushed me against the bathroom wall hard, kissing me urgently, moving his hands around my vulnerable body. I could feel his excitement and I knew where he wanted this to go but I knew exactly where I didn't.

“Stop it please Daniel!!” I shouted voice cracking half way through. With that he stopped but still held me tightly.

“Why?! Is this not what you want? Or would you rather wonder boy Andy?” He shouted at me, he looked so angry I started to shake with fear. He looked like he wanted to beat the life out of me.

“Y-y-y-y-you're scaring me Dan,” I stammered quietly as silent tears started falling down my cheeks. With that he slammed his fist into the wall leaving a moderate sized dent, I stared at the wall in horror.

“You want him don't you!? That's why you won't let me, you little bitch!”

“That's not it at all babe please,” I begged. “I just had a rough night and I'd rather not do this while I feel like crap,” I lied.

“Really?” he said softly.

“Yes!” I said shaking from shock, “Can I please get myself together now babe? I want our first time to be special, not in a bathroom when I feel as if someone's been bashing my head with a baseball bat all night okay? Why don't you go back to yours and get some clean clothes?” I said trying to sound calm.

He nodded and smiled down at me, kissing me on the nose and walked out the room as if nothing had just happened. Once he'd left I collapsed in a tearful heap trying to gain control over myself. I pulled on some random pair of skinnys, a t-shirt and a pair of converses. I had no desire to eat, all appetite I had had gone and I just ran out of the door and down the road in the direction of the school.

Once I got there I would be safe. As I charged past Dan's house I hoped to God he wouldn't see me. I ran faster than I had ever done before and reached the school in good time and plopped down on a random bench to catch my breath.

I don't know how long I'd been sitting there panting but eventually someone sat down next to me. “Now don't get me wrong, but you don't ever tend to be here so early or quite so breathless either. I'd like to say my beauty caught you off guard causing you to have a fit but I can't help but think that isn't the case. So what's up baby?”

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