Chapter 11 - Who Said Love Was Easy

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** So back to school again for me :P Gonna be a terrible term - all the teachers are warning us it's gonna be hard so I'm sorry if I am slow with the uploading for a bit - Love anyone who reads this story :') **

I awoke to see a white roof above me. I looked around to see a tube pushing liquid into my body and then it struck me where I was. I sat up quickly and immediately regretted it as the world began to spin slowly around me making me feel sick so I closed my eyes again and flopped back down again into the hospital bed.

How I got there I had no idea but I was definitely in a hospital. I dared to open my eyes again to see the world had stopped spinning and I saw Andy slumped down in a chair by my bed, he had his hand in a cast and had a bloody lip. I couldn't help but wince at his injuries – how had he got them? And why am I here? The memory of the night before lay just out of reach, like when you try to remember a dream and the more you think about it, the more distant it becomes.

I turned my head around the room to discover Will on the other side of my bed, looking slightly more beaten than Andy, with a huge black eye and cuts and bruises all over his face. I gulped as a small bit of memory returned to me. I'd been dancing, then Dan was there... As a huge band of realisation hit me I felt my stomach sink as I worked out why the two guys looked so dishevelled.    

“Well look who's finally woken up. Looks like you took quite a hit, ”A smiley young lady with a stethoscope whittled - I presume she was a doctor though she looked about my age! Andy then let out a small groan as he awoke from his uncomfortable position, stretching quickly before turning to me and jumping as he saw I was looking at him.  

“Dee. You're awake!” He exclaimed before grinning, the happiness reaching his eyes. I smiled a tired smile back at him and reached out my hand to his cast.  

“Why have you got that?” I croaked quietly.  

“Urmmm... 'cause I punched harder than my hand could take?” He laughed weakly. “But it's fine. It taught that jackass a lesson he won't be forgetting shortly," he growled, instantly looking like he was going to kill something.  

“How come Will's still here?” I mumbled trying my best to stay awake.  

“I think it's best you get some rest and all your questions will be answered when you wake up, ok?” the doctor woman said to me and I nodded to show I understood.  

“Tell Will thank you...” I whispered as I closed my eyes, letting myself drift off into blackness again.  

* * *

  I awoke again and seemed to be surrounded by people; obviously it was visiting hour. I never realised so many people cared about me that much to visit me in hospital like this. Andy and Will were now standing chatting happily with each other when Will's eyes caught mine and he turned and smiled a huge smile at me. I grinned back at him making him chuckle, which brought everyone’s attention to me.  

I seemed to have more visitors around my bed than the rest of the ward put together. I had my Mum; Dad; Will; Andy; Esther; Eiko; Oscar; Martin and Simon all crowding round my bed, staring intently at me making me feel quite awkward and self-conscious.    

“Where is Dan?” I said, not meaning to sound as panic struck as I did.  

“Don't worry babe, Daniel's not here and I think he got the idea he was to steer clear of you last night," Andy said soothingly, holding onto my hand with his unbroken one and stroking it softly. I hadn't realised I was crying 'til Andy let go of my hand and brushed the tears away softly, “Please don't cry, Dee.” He looked pained as if looking at me was hurting him.  

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