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Avi groaned as Scott took his phone from him. "No contact with Timmy," Scott said. He turned Avi's phone off and stuck it into his own pocket.

Avi looks around at Mitch, who was sitting beside him. Mitch glanced at him, catching him staring. "What?" He smirked.

Avi leaned over to him. "Can I use your phone?" Mitch just smiled and shook his head as he turned to look back out of the window.

Avi sighed and turned to Kirstie. "Nope," she said, putting an hand on his mouth. "Don't think about it." She giggled when he tried to eat her finger.

Avi pouted and slumped down in his seat. "I just wanna talk to him.."


Scott pulled up to the bar that everyone-- except Avi-- decided to go to. Avi looked up from his lap, his eyes growing at the sight of the bar.

"Oh, god, no please," he begged quietly.

Scott turned to look at him from the drivers seat. "What?" He asked. "You don't like the bar?"

Avi shook his no and stayed buckled in as the rest started to get out. "Please, take me somewhere else. I don't want to be here," he asked softly.

Kirstie turned around, and took in Avi's upset face. She sat back down in the car with him, looking out at the other boys.

"Take him somewhere else, Scott," she demanded.

The rest of the boys rushed to get inside the car. Scott took out Avi's phone and handed it over to Kevin.

Kevin turned the phone back on, and started to call someone. He smiled cheekily around at Avi when the someone answered.

"Hello Tim, it's Kevin."


"Let me talk to him!" Avi whined as the end of the call was nearing. Mitch held back his hands, keeping him from attacking Kevin.

"Alright, bye," Kevin hung up the phone, giving an innocent smile to his best friend.

"You guys are mean," Avi grumbled, crossing his arms.


Avi woke up the next morning. He was cuddled up to Scott, who was Tim's replacement for the cuddling part of the relationship.

Avi giggled as he looked at his friends scattered around Kirstie's living room floor.

Scott woke up, yawning loudly, which in turn, woke everyone else up.

He smiled down at Avi. "We should start getting you ready," he said. He looked at Avi's confused face and laughed. "Today's the wedding you doofus."

Avi's eye widened.

"That's right!"

[a/n: lol I had no ideas for this chapter
    ~ Katie 🦁 ]

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