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Avi giggles quietly, looking over at Tim who had fallen asleep on top of his shoulder. They were currently, somehow, cuddling on the couch with Tim laying behind Avi. Avi was making Tim watch Lord of The Rings, since he had confessed to never seeing it before. But, it seemed that he had gotten bored with it. Although, it was almost two in the morning.

Avi sighs to himself, grabbing the remote and switching the TV off. It turned the room pitch black, he couldn't see anything. Avi would never tell anyone, but he was afraid of the total darkness. Reasons why he never watched scary movies.

He whimpers queitly, hiding his face with his hand and turning to quickly bury his face in Tim's chest. He was trying to be quiet so he wouldn't wake Tim up. But that didn't seem to work.

Tim wakes up slowly, looking down at Avi who was suddenly hiding in his chest. "Avi," he asks, shaking his shoulder a little.

"Wh-what," Avi answers nervously. He was sure that Tim would laugh at him for being afraid of something that only a baby should be afraid of.

"Are you okay, what's wrong?"

Avi shakes his head, trying to look up at Tim. "I'm... scared of the dark," he admits.

Tim laughs a little, pulling Avi tighter against him. "I won't let anything hurt you. I'll protect you," he replies.

Avi smiles a little, laying his head back down on Tim's chest.

"Thank you."


A/N: I'm sorry it's short, please don't hate me.
~ Katie

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