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"Tim?" Avi answers his phone.

"Hey Beautiful." Tim says throwing an empty suit case on his bed.

"So you made it home O.K.?" Avi ask, relaxing at the sound of Tim's voice.

"Yea, just really tired that's all." Tim said.

"Well maybe you can get some rest before ya'll leave out." Avi said glancing toward the table.

"I won't have time. I haven't even started packing yet. So what are you doing?" Tim ask, grabbing some clothes from his closet.

"We just got through eating. We're fixing to head back to the bus in a little bit." Avi said hoping Tim didn't ask questions about him eating.

"So did you eat?" Tim ask folding up shirts and putting them into his suit case.

"Yea." Avi answered, closing his eyes. He hated lying to Tim like that but he didn't want him to worry.

"O.K., good. You know you promised me that you would." Tim said, starting on his second suit case.

"I know. So where are you guys heading to?" Avi ask, trying to change the subject.

"Uh, Nashville and then to Atlanta." Tim answered.

"AVI! You need to get off that phone and come eat! You hadn't even touched your food!" Esther yelled from the table.

Avi covered the phone quickly hoping that Tim didn't hear. But it was too late.

"Babe? You didn't eat did you?" Tim said sitting down on his bed rubbing his forehead. He could feel a headache starting.

Avi sighed, "No, Baby, I didn't. But I swear I wasn't hungry. I'm getting a to go box so I can eat it later on the bus."

"But honey, why did you lie to me and said that you had eaten?" Tim said laying back on his bed rubbing his temples.

"Because I knew you would worry and you're already stressed out enough as it is." Avi said leaning against the wall, glaring at Esther.

"I'm stressed because you're not eating. And you lying to me ain't helping. Now I don't know whether to believe you or not. Baby, you promised me. Avi, I love you so much, you couldn't even begin to imagine how much i love you. I just want to know for sure that you are O.K." Tim said rubbing his tired eyes.

"Baby, I love y... " Avi was interrupted by Esther grabbing his phone and ending the call.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!??" Avi screams at her.

"I have had enough of this! Your health is more important than some dead-end relationship with an alcoholic!" She said shoving the ringing phone into her purse. "Now you get your butt over there and you had better eat, Buster!!"


Sorry so short.

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