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"What are you doing here?" Avi ask through tears, rubbing Tim on the chest as if he weren't real.

Tim kisses him on the nose, "I'll answer your question, after you answer mine. What are these?" He ask holding up the pills.

"They're just some pills my doctor prescribed for me." Avi said not wanting to make eye contact with his boyfriend.

"For what?" Tim ask barely over a whisper.

"Depression." Avi answered hanging his head.

Tim set down the bottle of pills. Then grabbed Avi into a hug burying his face in Avi's neck. Avi wraps his arms around Tim as tight as he could.

"Avi?" Esther said quietly not wanting to break up the two. "Honey, you need to go to the stage."

"I don't want to leave him." He said tightening his grip.

"Oh, he's not going anywhere." Esther said slipping a VIP back stage pass around Tim's neck. "He's gonna be back stage with me watching you. Now get your butt moving."

"You're staying?" Avi smiled through his tears.

"Yea, and I'll answer your question later." Tim says giving him a quick kiss. "But now you need to get your sexy butt moving." He winks.

Pentatonix was on stage performing while Tim watched from the side of the stage with Esther. He watched every move that Avi made with a smile on his face.

"Did you tell you he was taking pills for depression?" Esther ask.

"Yea, I saw the pills and he told me." He said still watching Avi. He glances around to see Esther staring at him.

"What?" Tim ask.

"Well, aren't you gonna talk to him about it." She ask.

"I'd love too, but I would be a hypocrite. I'm guilty of having a crutch too." Tim said looking back toward the stage.

"You're taking pills too?" She ask and Tim shakes his head no.

"Coke?" Esther says throwing out another guess.

"Maybe if it was mixed with Jack Daniels." Tim says running a hand through his hair.

"Alcohol? Oh my God, Tim. What am I gonna do with you too." She ask shaking her head.

"I don't know, maybe shoot us and put us out of our misery." Tim chuckles sadly.

During their last song, Tim goes back to the dressing room to wait for Avi.

A few minutes later, Avi comes busting through the door and runs straight into Tim's open arms. The rest of PTX comes in and gives Tim hugs. Some of them hasn't seen him since The Sing Off.

"Tim, we're all going out to eat. Ya'll come with us." Scott said.

"We'll probably just go to the hotel." Avi said.

Tim holds up two fingers, "Two things. One, I'm hungry. I've been on the road for about 6 hours. and two, Baby, you need to eat."

"O.K." Avi shrugs. Esther looked at Tim and mouthed 'thank-you'.

They go to the restaurant and Tim makes sure Avi eats. Even when he said he was full Tim kept feeding him.

"You never answered my question." Avi said snuggling up to Tim.

"Well, Home Free is off for a few days before we start our tour. And I looked on your schedule and seen where ya'll had two shows in Chicago so I thought I'd drive down to surprise you." Tim said taking a drink of his beer.

"So you'll be at the show tomorrow night too?" Avi said smiling.

"Yep," Tim says then leans down to whisper into Avi's ear. "So you'll have me have two whole nights."



**  AMERICA!!  **

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