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"Fat and ugly is what I see." Avi answers sounding irritated that Tim ask him this question again.

"Avi, you're beginning to sound like a broken record." Tim replied, rolling his eyes.

"Excuse Me!" Avi said turning his head to look at Tim in disbelief.

"When are you gonna believe me when I say that you are Beautiful?" Tim ask.

"Oh, just because Tim Foust says it automatically makes it the truth?" Avi says becoming angry and tired of the third degree.

"In this situation? Yes." Tim argues.

Avi huffs, standing up crossing his arms across his chest.

"So how much weight have you gained since you've started eating again to make you think you're fat?" Tim ask, standing up.

Avi doesn't answer. He just rolls his eyes and stares out across the lake. Why don't Tim just leave him alone about this?

"I can't tell that you've gained any weight. You've been eating good. You ate a big breakfast this morning before your show..." Tim stopped mid-sentence and looked at Avi. "Wait....No, please tell me you didn't."

"Just what are you talking about?" Avi said glaring at Tim. Although he knew what Tim was fixing to ask.

"You threw it all up didn't you. That's the reason you're not gaining any weight. You eat to humor me than you go to the bathroom and make yourself throw up. Am I right? HUH?!" Tim said becoming angry.

"That's stupid. I'm not gonna stand here and talk about this." Avi said turning to walk away.

"Oh No, We ARE talking about this." Tim said, grabbing Avi by the arm.

"Like I said Tim, I'm done talking. " Avi growled jerking his arm out of Tim's grip.

"O.K., You know what? Fine!" Tim said as he starts walking away.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!??" Avi shouted.

"TO GET DRUNK!!" Tim yelled over his shoulder.


Tim stopped, turning on his heels walking back to Avi. "Promise?" He said lowly staring into Avi's eyes. "You want to talk about promises? You promised me that you would start eating."

"But I have been eating, Tim." Avi said, tears rolling down his face.

"Maybe. But going to the bathroom and throwing everything back up kind of defeats the purpose. Don't you think? Is that all you've be lying to me about?" The words were out of Tim's mouth before he even realized it.

Avi's mouth dropped in shock and hurt. He slaps Tim as hard as he could.

Tim stumbles from the blow, grabbing his cheek, giving Avi a shocked look.

"Well, you can believe this. I'm out of here." Avi says and runs to the car. He gets in and starts the car.

"AVI!! WAIT!!" Tim yells running toward the car.

Avi stomps the accelerator throwing gravel everywhere. Tim turns his back as he's hit by the flying gravel.

"AVI!! PLEASE WAIT!!" He yells as Avi speeds out of the park.

Tim reaches for his phone only to realize that it's in the pocket of his jacket, which was in the backseat of Avi's car. He looks around the park, the sun had already set which gave the park a creepy feel.

He walks over to a park bench and sits down. He leans over putting his face into his hands. "Oh God, What have I done?"  He says as he begins to cry.

Thunder rumbles overhead. He looks up in time to see lightning streak across the night sky. He wipes his falling tears.

"Oh this is just real great." He says to himself as the rain begins to pour.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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