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"So we have my fiancé here with us tonight," Tim begins, making the crowd yell. He glances over towards the side of the stage, noticing Avi slowly back away.

"He's scared," he laughs into the microphone. "He's backing away right now." The crowd laughs a little.

Tim motions for Avi to come out on stage with his hand. This was their last show, and they planned on bringing Avi out for a lot of the things they were doing tonight.

Avi shakes his head no. He hated when they brought him out on stage. He felt like he was taking all the attention away from them.

Austin and Rob walks over to the side, grabbing each of Avi's hands and pulling him out to the stage with them. The crowd cheers for Avi, some recognizing him and shouting his name.

"Come here baby," he says to Avi. Avi walks over quietly, putting an arm around Tim's waist as Tim slings an arm around his shoulder.

"So I was talking to Avi last night about the show. And I asked him, I said; 'Avi? What's your favorite part of the show?'" Tim paused, looking down at Avi who was looking down at the floor.

"And you know what he told me?" Tim says. "He told me that his favorite part is when I get to dance. Because he just can't get enough of my moves." Tim was being sarcastic at this point, and he bumps his hip into Avi's lightly.

The other guys on stage and the crowd laugh loudly, and Avi stands there looking at the floor still, just slightly embarrassed.

Tim noticed, and pushed all joking aside. "I was joking," he says. "But you know what he really told me? Go ahead, tell them what you told me," he says, putting the mic down to Avi's mouth.

Avi shakes his head again, sealing his mouth shut. A few people 'awe' at him, while Tim kisses his head. "His favorite part is," he pauses, smiling a little. He knew that this was a lot of the audience members favorite part as well.

"Story time with Tim."


"I'm sorry, honey, did I embarrass you?" Tim asks as he lays down in his bunk.

Avi nods smally, laying down next to him. Tim turns in his side, holding Avi against him, making Avi the little spoon. "Just a little."

Tim kisses the back of his head, rubbing his side gently. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," Avi nods.

They were both extremely tired. Tim was almost asleep, as well as Avi, when they heard Avi's stomach growl loudly.

Tim bites his lip, stifling a small laugh. "Are you hungry?" Avi could feel his cheeks heating up.


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