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Tim glanced nervously at Esther. He tried to avoid eye contact with Avi but could feel his stare.

"Uh...Babe,...I guess I...uh...I guess I need to go back to the room and get some......to get some rest. I got a long drive tomorrow." Tim said finally making eye contact with Avi.

"Yea, that's right. You have to go back to Minnesota tomorrow, don't you. Definitely don't need to be driving tired." Esther said laying her hand on Tim's shoulder squeezing it tightly, digging her nails into his shoulder.

Tim tried not to show any pain in his face.

Avi's eyes darted from Tim to Esther. Something was going on but he wasn't quite sure what. There seemed to be a lot of tension in the air. The trio and Kevin even stood quietly in the corner of the room. He was pretty sure his sister had something to do with that big bruise on Tim's face.

"Ya'll mind telling me what's going on?" Avi asked softly.

"Nothing is going on." Esther spoke up. "You just need your rest and you can't get any rest with Tim here."

Tim stood up from where he had been sitting by the bed.

"Baby, I'm... I'm gonna go so you can get some rest." He leans over kissing Avi softly on the lips. He rests his forehead on Avi's, Tim's hair falls on each side of their faces somewhat hiding them from everyone. "But I'll be back after everyone is gone." He whispers and winks.

Avi smiles at him and gives him another kiss.

Tim raises up and runs a hand through his hair, turning around he shoots Esther a dirty look before heading out the door. He walks out into the hallway and leans against the wall. He slowly slides down the wall into a squatting position. He drops his face into his hands and breaks down in tears.

He feels a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump and wipe his eyes. He looked up to see Scott stooping down beside him.

"She'll have to be leaving pretty soon. She has to go reschedule the shows we are having to cancel. I'll text you when she leaves." Scott said standing offering Tim his hand.

Tim takes Scott's hand and pulls up off the floor. "Thanks Scott." He said giving him a hug.
Avi stares at Esther. "I don't know what's going on, Esther. But you need to back off and leave him alone."

"I'm not doing anything but looking after my little brother." Esther said pulling the covers up around him.

"Well, that's nice of you but you don't need to be mistreating my boyfriend in the process. I heard you tell him to get out. And I also seen you dig your nails into his shoulder. Was it you that put the bruise on his face?" Avi ask glaring at his sister.

"Yes, I slapped him. Twice. But he deserved it. It's all his fault that you're in here." Esther said sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"No, I'm in here because of me not taking care of myself. Since Tim has been here he's done nothing but take care of me. He's done his best to get me to eat, he's tried to build my confidence up. He's always telling me I'm beautiful and perfect in every way. I don't deserve someone as great as Tim but he really loves me, Esther. I love you, Sis, but I will NOT let you ruin what me and Tim has."  Avi said gritting his teeth.


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