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Alyssa and Esther finally left around midnight after helping the boys figure out most of the wedding plans.

Avi rubbed his eyes tiredly as he closed the front door.

Tim put an arm around his waist, picking him up carefully. "I think you should go to bed."

Tim laid Avi down in bed and then laid beside him. Avi rolled over on his side, snuggling closely to Tim as he fell asleep almost instantly.


Avi woke up before Tim did-- surprisingly. He giggled to himself as he watched Tim sleep. He kissed his forehead gently and got up out of bed.

He planned on making breakfast for them. He walked to the kitchen, picking out the foods that he was going to make.

Avi heard footsteps heading towards the kitchen, and he ran to stop Tim before he could come any further.

"Nooooo," he giggled, putting his hands out to stop Tim from walking. Tim stopped in his tracks, looking down at Avi. He took Avi's hands and kissed each of them.

"No what?" He asked, holding Avi's hands close to his chest.

Avi giggled once more, looking up at Tim. "I'm making somethin'," he said. "Wait until I come and get you."

Tim let out a light laugh as he smiled at his fiancé.

"Ok hun."

[a/n: ok i know it's short-- i'm not really feeling it today.]

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