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"Avi, pay attention," Ben stops the meeting, noticing that Avi was completely out of it. He'd been like that for the past few days. No one really knew why.

Avi sighs, looking up from his lap. "Sorry," he breathes out. Ben was talking about the new tour they would be starting in a few weeks, but Avi wanted no part in it.

"Well since Avi isn't really into it, maybe we should postpone this meeting for now. We'll talk about it next time," Ben sighs in annoyance. He wasn't sure what was making Avi so distracted.

"What's wrong man?" Scott asks as they walk out of the studio. "You've been so distracted these past few days. That's not like you."

"Nothing I'm fine," Avi answers shortly, rushing off to his car. He knew that Kevin would question him when they got home. He got into his car and locked all the doors, throwing his keys into the passenger seat. He set his forehead against the steering wheel, letting a loud sob.

He needed Tim. He'd been talking to Tim almost non stop for the past three days that he'd been away, but he hadn't been answering all morning.

As if on queue, Avi's phone begins to ring. A picture of Tim and himself coming up as the contact picture. It was Tim.

"Hello," Avi answers as he tries to sniffle away his tears and sobs. Avi could hear the worry in Tim's voice as he answered back.

"Hey honey," he answers. "Are you okay?" He noticed the crying in Avi's voice.

"I'm fine," Avi replies, wiping his eyes. "A little tired. I just got out of a meeting. Everyone's going out for lunch."

He could practically imagine Tim nodding as if he were actually there. "Are you going with them?"

I put my arm under the other and look at my lap. "No.. I'm not feeling up to it."

"You have to keep yourself healthy for me. Okay?" Tim asks, figuring Avi was purposely not eating. Which was the truth.

Avi smiles a little, tears gathering in his eyes again. "Yes sir.. I'll eat at home." He says, even though he was lying.

"Okay," Tim smiles. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too."

Ring of Fire (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now