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"Mom, Dad. This is my boyfriend Tim. The one I've been telling you about." Avi said smiling at a very nervous Tim.

"I'm so happy to finally get to meet you, Tim. Avi has told us so much about you. And Avi, you're right, he is a cutie." Mrs. Kaplan said hugging Tim's neck.

Avi couldn't help but chuckle at the shocked look on Tim's face.

"Thank-you. Mrs. Kaplan for the compliment and it's a pleasure to get to meet you." He politely says.

"Hey, none of that Mrs. Kaplan stuff. Call me Shelly. Honey, what happened to your face?"  She ask gently rubbing the bruise on Tim's cheek.

He hung his head, not really knowing how to answer.

"Esther slapped him." Avi answered, still angry with his sister.

"It's nothing really, just a misunderstanding." Tim said softly then turning his attention to Mr. Kaplan.

"Mr. Kaplan." Tim says holding out his hand.

Avi's dad shook Tim's hand but shook his head, "Call me Mike. So Avi tells us you are also in an A capella group."

Tim sits down on the side of the bed taking Avi by the hand. "Yes Sir. It's a country A capella group called Home Free. We leave out on tour tomorrow evening so I have to leave here in the morning and head back to Minnesota."  He said looking sadly at Avi.

"Well, that's sad. But yall keep in touch don't you?" Shelly ask.

"Oh yeah." Avi says giving Tim's hand a light squeeze. "We call each other everyday. We text each other every few minutes and we Skype each other whenever we can. But I still miss him." He looks at Tim and they both smile lovingly at each other.

"Ya'll are just the cutest thing." Shelly said smiling.

Tim shyly hangs his head to hide his embarrassment, "Thank-you."

"And if Esther don't lay off of him, Avi. You let me know." Mike said.

"Oh, I will, dad." Avi said. "I've already jumped her case so maybe she knows she crossed the line."

'Oh Lord, she'll hate me for sure now'.Tim thought as he runs a hand through his hair.

"So what about your parents, Tim? Do they know about you two/" Shelly asked.

"My mom does. She lives in Lubbock, Tx., so they haven't got to meet yet. My dad passed away 7 years ago of cancer." Tim answers.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Shelly says sadly.

"Thank-you." Tim smiles.

"Well, Shelly, we need to be going." Mike says getting out of the chair and walking over kissing his son on the forehead.

"Son, you start taking better care of yourself, understand?" He said giving him a hug. Avi nods hugging his dad.

"Tim, take care of him as much as you can." Mike said shaking Tim's hand and patting him on the shoulder.

"I will." Tim smiles.

Shelly hugs and kisses Tim on the cheek, "You're a sweetheart."

She kisses and hugs Avi tightly. "He's a cutie" She whispers, causing him to chuckle. "I love you, Baby. And take care of yourself, promise?"

"I love you too, mom. And I promise." Avi whispers. The Kaplans leaves the room.

Avi raises up a little giving Tim a kiss. "Now that wasn't too bad was it?" He smirks.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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