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                                                                                                Tim loved having Avi close during the video shoot. He would glance over at him from time to time and Avi would smile and wink at him. It was hard for him to keep from smiling.

But Avi's smile turned into a super frown, when the actress, who was portraying Tim's wife in the video, kissed him on the cheek. Avi had already laid claims on that man so she had better been acting with all those flirty smiles.

They took a break before the bar scene so Tim could change into a clean t-shirt and wash the black stuff off of him. Avi walked up to where Tim was washing his hands and arms.

"What happen to that beautiful smile from earlier." Tim said leaning over and giving Avi a quick kiss.

"That was before that girl kissed you and kept flirting with you." Avi pouted crossing his arms.

Tim smiled and shook his head, "Baby, that was just her part of the video. Do I sense a little bit of jealousy?"

Avi picked up a wet cloth and started washing the black stuff off of Tim's chest and forehead.

"Do you think she is pretty?" Avi ask not making eye contact.

Tim shrugged. "She's alright, I guess." He said changing into a clean t-shirt.

Avi slightly nodded then started helping Tim with the galluses of his overalls.

"I know where this is going, so you can just get that thought out of your beautiful head." Tim said taking Avi by the chin making him look at him. "Honey, there is always gonna be girls in our videos, I may even have to be paired up with one. But I'm not interested in any of them. YOU are the ONLY one that interest me. Got it?"  He places a kiss on Avi's nose.

"Good, just keep it that way." Avi says smirking at him.

"Oh, really?" Tim smiles raising his brows.

"Mhmmm." Avi says reaching up and giving Tim a very passionate kiss.

"You ready guys?" The producer ask.

"I'm getting there." Tim says staring into Avi's eyes.

"The video, Tim, the video." The producer says rolling his eyes.

"Oh, that." Tim says taking Avi by the hand and following the producer to the bar for the next scene.

"Let's get this over with so we can get something to eat. Can I take you out to eat Mr. Kaplan?" Tim says putting his arms around Avi's waist.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Mr. Foust." Avi said putting his arms around Tim's neck.

"Absolutely, Avriel." Tim smiles.

"Well then, I accept, Timothy. Considering neither of us has had a single thing to eat today. And I'm starved." Avi said turning loose of Tim and picking up his champagne glass. He gives Tim a wink then walks over to his position off camera.

Tim picks up his beer mug and starts walking over to the band but stops and turns around.

"Hey, Avi? BBQ?" Tim ask holding up his mug.

"Ah, a man after my own heart. Absolutely." Avi says holding up his champagne glass.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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