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"Come on, I'll fix you a sandwich." Tim whispers patting Avi on the belly.

"I'm too tired to get up." Avi said giving Tim his best sad puppy dog eyes.

"So I guess you want me to bring it to you?" Tim smiles.

Avi gives him a nod and smiles.

Tim rolls his eyes and starts to get up so he can crawl over Avi. As he starts to raise up he hits his head on the bunk above him.

"OUCH!! SON OF A ....." His bass voice rings out through the quiet bus.

Avi giggles slapping his hand over Tim's mouth cutting him off.

"You two had better NOT be doing the dirty deed below me." Chris said from the top bunk.

"Or above me." Adam adds from the bottom bunk.

Avi laughs out loud covering his mouth. He absolutely loves these guys.

Tim falls back into the bunk holding his head. "Change of plans. I think I have a candy bar in my bag you can have.

Tim and Avi sat in the airport waiting for their flight to California. Tim was busy texting his mom, telling her of his plans to move to California and that he and Avi were gonna buy a house. She was so excited for them.

Avi sat next to him. Bouncing his legs, he was so excited. He couldn't wait to start looking for a house.  He looked around at the gorgeous man sitting beside him. He would soon be living with this good-looking thing.

Tim reaches over slowly laying his hand on Avi's leg to stop the bouncing. He slips his phone back into the pocket of his jacket.

"Sweetheart, my last experience of flying was not a very happy one. I'm already pretty nervous and you bouncing your leg isn't helping." He gives Avi a nervous smile.

"I'm sorry, Baby." Avi said taking Tim's hand kissing the back of it. "I'm just so excited."

"I know you are." He said kissing Avi on the temple. "But we have a very long flight ahead of us. Let's just hope for a smooth one or I may start freaking out a little."

They finally were able to board the plane and was soon on their way to California. The stewardess came by offering some bottles of alcohol. Tim bites his bottom lip and glances over at Avi.

"They're small, so two and two only. Maybe it will help you relax some." Avi said patting him on the leg.

Tim reaches up and takes two bottles and thanks the stewardess. She offers some to Avi, "No Thank-you, I'm good."

He looks around at Tim who had already downed the drinks. He was actually doing pretty good about his drinking. Avi was so proud of him. He only had problems in situations like this. His nerves gets the best of him. The guys keeps a close eye on him whenever Avi wasn't around.

And Tim was very proud of Avi too. He was eating a lot more. Maybe Esther was right about this engagement boosting his confidence. He no longer sees himself as fat and ugly. He was getting married and was very happy.

The alcohol wasn't enough to completely calm him but it did help some. Avi laid his head on Tim's shoulder and dozed off to sleep. Tim had laid his over on Avi's and was just about asleep when a kid on the other side of the plane screamed.

Tim jumped almost out of his seat, throwing Avi off of his shoulder waking him up. After Tim realized it was just an unruly kid, he settled back down in his seat nervously rubbing his forehead.

"Stupid kid." He mumbled.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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