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"I love you too, Sweetie." Tim says as he deepens the kiss. He rolls himself over on top of Avi, propping himself up on his elbows.

Avi giggles as he tries to push Tim's hair out of his face.

"Yea, I know." Tim says as he tries to push his hair behind his ears. "Sometimes I think my hair has a mind of it's own. I'm fixin to get it all cut off."

Avi stops giggling and his eyes grow wide, "Tim Foust, I swear, if you even think about cutting your hair, so help me, I'll...I'll cut you off for good."

"Dang, you play rough." Tim says kissing Avi softly. "O.K., you win. I'll keep the stringy mess."

Avi giggles pulling Tim to him and kissing him passionately.

Just when things starts to get really heated, someone knocks at the door. Actually not just one someone but three someones.

"O.K., you two! Stop your bumping and grinding and open this door!!" Mitch yells from the other side of the door.

"GO AWAY!!" Avi chuckles loudly as Tim drops his head on Avi's shoulder.

"NO AVRIEL! If you don't open this door, Noodles is gonna bust it down!" Mitch yells.

"Really?" They hear Scott ask.

Tim rolls off of Avi to his side of the bed. Avi gets up and slips on his jogging pants and goes to open the door before hotel management complains. He opens the door to the trio standing in the hallway.

"Really guys?" He ask.

Scott gives an apologetic shrug and Kirstie covers her mouth laughing. Mitch pushes past Avi and walks into the room to Tim still lying in bed. Tim nervously pulls the sheets up.

"You got any clothes on under there?" Mitch ask sternly looking him up and down.

"Uh... No." Tim answers in a very low voice.

"Really?" Mitch smiles.

"Mitch! Stop! Leave him alone!" Avi chuckles at Tim's nervousness.

"Well, you have exactly 20 minutes to shower all that sex residue off and meet us down in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Esther is buying." Mitch heads toward the door swinging his hips. "Oh, and DO NOT make me come back up here after you two." He says pointing at Tim, who slowly shakes his head no. "Good that's what I thought, Let's go girls." Mitch says as he walks out of the room.

"Sorry about that." Scott laughs as he leaves.

"You know his bark is worse than his bite. You do know that right?" Kirstie ask laughing as Tim slowly shakes his head no. She waves and leaves.

Avi looks around at Tim and chuckles loudly at the frighten look he had on his face.

Tim throws the covers back and jumps out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Avi laughs.

"Are you kidding me? Heck, we only have 20 minutes to get ready. I don't want that little demon to come back up here. He scares me." Tim says grabbing some clothes from his suitcase.



**  AMERICA!!  **

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