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Hi there. I'm Becca. And this is me. I'm 16 , I'm a tall girl , with long fair hair which includes a side fringe , a regular sized body , by that I mean not overweight but not anorexic , just right , and smooth perfect skin. My favourite colour is blue and I like Justin Bieber. Yep , so thats me. Quite simple and boring if I'm quite honest , im not afraid what you think of me, ive been called worse than you can imagine. But when it comes from the ones you love , that hurts more.

Im single. But it doesn't mean to say that there's not boys who I would do anything for , do anything for a hug , a kiss , or even just a conversation with them. Theres a few out there , I would do anything for them. Yes I know im not really close to them , and I know I dont talk to them much , but i feel like I know them , know what they want from girls , I feel like their mine. The only thing is , is that all the ones i like are players , or have really big insecurities , or just simply dont like me back. But thats life I guess.

First one I like is Karl. Hes the typical boy next door , one you see in those movies. Boy and girl live next door to eachother , never get along and one day they fall madly in love at a prom or some sort. How I wish. Me and Karl have been next door neighbours since 2years ago when he moved in. We talk occasionally , but only in the garden when our parents are discussing new ways of making flowers grow quicker , I dont see the point really. He makes me smile. His eyes are sky blue and shine in the sunlight , like glitter balls. Hes so fashionable too , he basically lives in chinos , which I love boys wearing. He also wears Hype tops alot. Boys who wear designer labels , WOW ! Hes actually stunning. Hes just abit taller than me , which is cute.

Next is Joseph. Joseph is like Karls brother ,they spend so much time together ! Joseph basically lives at Karls house because he doesnt like his family much. Theres always fighting , I feel so sorry for him , hes such a nice boy and he shouldn't be put through that. Nobody should. Wherever Joseph is , Karl is. Them two are inseparable! Especially when it comes to girls , they fall for the same type of girl , they both flirt with her , which makes it harder for her too choose. I feel sorry for all those girls , their such good looking boys and to make a girl choose between them is horrible. Joseph loves his chinos too. Chinos and Rad Apparel tops. Thats his style. His eyes are an emerald green , and his lips look so irresistible. I dont talk to Joseph as much as Karl though ,hes quite shy. Its a shame though , he's perfect and I want to get to know him more.

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--- love you's all , -bex xo

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