|47| - Get To Know Me Tag!

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Inspired by vertiigo !

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Name: I don't really wanna say my full name, but my main bishes call me Saimi and my guy friends call me Sai (or Sai-Sai).

Age: Fifteen

Where You're From: I was born in South India!

Star Sign: Scorpio

Favorite Food: I guess it would be tofu with seasoning and pretty much anything Italian. My dad is a health nut and he won't let me eat anything sweet or salty and it's fucking annoying.

Favorite Memory: It's kinda recent (which is, in a way, highly depressing), but I was invited to my friend's quinceanera and it was fabulous. My second favorite memory is befriending my two now best friends in freshman year of high school.

Any Books You Recommend: Top & Tail by AlyWasHere17, Gay Chicken by PandaGuts, Boy by iusedtobetaller, Open by flawed-, Jonah Clarke is Not Gay by  greenypots (Yo, I fucking love this book), Straighter Than Parallel Parking by sarena_a , 5:48 by cityscape, Jefferson Lake knightsrachel, and Empty Boxes Of Steve by bamboozling.

When You First Discovered Wattpad: I started reading shit on here in 2011 but I officially made an account in the spring of 2012. That account is now deleted, so...

Why Did You Create This Book: I made a random cover in Pixlr and I thought it would be a good cover to a rant book of some sorts. I didn't really expect anyone to read it.

Old or New Wattpad: I like the Old Wattpad because everything was so simple and easy to read. I really loved the old layout (except for the thing where you had to press the arrow to turn the page, that always killed my computer).

Views On Society Nowadays: Half of it is going to shit and half of it is actually getting some intelligence.

Views On Reverse Racism: What's that? (Joking, joking. I know what is it but like, who the fuck still believes it exists?!)

Views On Cultural Appropriation: As a Desi, I do not appreciate cultural appropriation. Even though I am not religious, it's still fucking aggravating to see people wearing "henna tattoos" and shit. Like first off, it's not a "henna tattoo" it's mehendi and it's used widely for weddings and religious ceremonies. Also, just from a bit of experience, I saw a white chick who had the Ohm symbol tattooed onto her arm and I was seriously about to throw my phone at her face.

Views On Fuckboys: I go to a backwards school where the supposed "nerds" are respected and the fuckboys are ridiculed so I mean life's pretty good right now. I don't see fuckboys at all, surprisingly, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be stopped.

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I tag anyone to do this!

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