|44| - Principals of Engineering

71 14 2

I absolutely loathe my teacher for this motherfucking, shitty ass class. She's a massive cunt that doesn't know what the fuck she's doing with herself.

Apparently, she's an Electrical Engineer. However, you need a Masters degree to be one. She dropped out of college with a Bachelor's because she "hated engineering a lot." She doesn't even like children or engineering!

I'm a sophomore. The juniors and the seniors complained about her and tried to get her fired, yet my principal, the vice principal, and the Board of Education defended her. She gave even the brightest of students Ds and Fs for every marking period, bringing their 4.0 GPAs down to a 3.2. She yells at students to be responsible, yet she doesn't take time out of her fucking day to actually sit the fuck down and grade her students' fucking homework like a decent teacher is supposed to fucking do. She doesn't even know how to use a fucking computer and teach a damn class like a normal teacher would. She procrastinates the first hour, and then crams work into our faces during the last five minutes of class. Literally, my friends and I are pissing ourselves because we're going at such a slow pace. We won't even pass the midterm, let alone the final.

My friends and I are trying to go to the guidance counselor to complain about this little shit excuse of a teacher. My school is too fucking cheap and poor to hire another teacher, so they settle for whatever shit they pick up from some random ass hiring place.

I think hate would be the correct word to describe my feelings towards her, if not, a slightly mild word considering the amount of cunt that's in her.

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