|94| - the Recent Tragedies...

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I am absolutely disgusted with this whole damn country. I am ashamed to call myself American. 

Christina Grimmie was only 22 years old when she was shot and killed by a man during a signing in Orlando, Florida. She died June 11 due to her gunshot wounds. This woman, who inspired the lives of many fans - young and old - died a tragic death. TOO. FUCKING. YOUNG.

Yesterday, a (very angry) man broke into the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida and shot 50+ Latino, LGBT individuals and injured many more due to this homophobia. This man was not religious - he never prayed and never fasted - according to his ex-wife and father, but the media is portraying him as a radical Muslim. They are ignoring the fact that this is a fucking HATE CRIME. This is what homophobia with a gun looks like, people. This is what happens when a raging madman gets ahold of a weapon. 

Do you still want guns to available, America? How many more innocent lives do we have to lose before we grow the fuck up? Mass shootings have stopped in 1996 for Australia and the UK (correct me if I'm wrong) and Canada has some very strict gun laws (though I am aware some Canadians still own guns). Some countries with the strictest gun laws are France, South Korea, Indonesia, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom.


Don't you dare tell me owning a gun is more fucking important than a human's life

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Don't you dare tell me owning a gun is more fucking important than a human's life. I swear to fucking God if I see one more white supremacist Republican, I will gladly shove their cousin fucking, incest- ass opinions up their ass. 

You see shit on the news like "Mother gets fatally shot by 4 year old in the car" and THEY STILL DON'T GET THE FUCKING MEMO. Have fun with your fucking gun rights, ya nasties. 

In the words of Green Day's American Idiot:

"Maybe I'm the ------ America, I'm not part of a redneck agenda."

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