|23| - Being the "Smart Kid"

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I'm not really in the mood to write paragraphs upon paragraphs, so I'll just make a list with small explanations.

1) "Hahahaha NERD!"

I'm constantly called a nerd on a daily basis. Like, bitch, I actually care about my education and my future. If being called a nerd symbolizes the care I have for my future, then call me that all you want. Nobody's asking you to waste your life picking on other people.

2) Copy Cat

Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE wants to copy off of you. I'm particularly gifted in mathematics, so I get so many people trying to copy off of my homework and tests. If you do your own work and ask questions, then you'll understand concepts more! Isn't that a surprise?

3) The Soaring Expectations

Teachers and parents have high expectations of you. Yes, you are capable of meeting those expectations, but what about the days that you just can't focus? What about the days you feel so shitty that doing work is painful? I constantly feel like this and it's horrible because I know I can do better, but I just can't motivate myself enough to do it.

4) Da Feelz

Everyone expects you to be shy, awkward, and emotional!? It's kind of annoying! Like, dude, this isn't the movies. We can be outgoing and a social butterfly.

I'm literally mentally exhausted right now and I have no motivation for anything at all, but please leave some comments below. I'll try to make some more chapters today.

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