|58| -Meh

82 12 5

I'm tired.

I've been in a constant zombie-like state for the past few months and I have yet to find out why. The fact that I wake up at 5 o'clock every single week day to get to school probably contributes to it, as well as the fact that I am not feeling that  great mentally and emotionally. 

I don't really know how to explain it.

Today in my college class, we were discussing anxiety and shit like that. Funny enough, the entire lesson gave me anxiety and I was left there squirming in my seat with my heart pounding.

Today during my Engineering class, another incident happened. Everything was fine until I started breathing rapidly and my chest was hurting. And, when I mean hurting, I mean stinging and sending shooting pains up my body. 

Another stupid thing happened. I bought these long ass boots with a slight heel on it and ended up going through gym class with it and walking all the way across my college campus with it.


But, anyways, I really just want a break from life in general. Everything is so overwhelming and things are just getting jumbled in my head at a mind blowing speed. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is - I feel miserable.

I'm not leaving Wattpad or anything, but it's just that I don't feel like I used to. When I was twelve, I loved everything. I used to read shitty books and PJO fanfiction 24/7 and life was pretty good, at least on here. Freshman year rolled in and everything just crashed on top of me. I'm constantly on edge and sometimes I just contemplate taking the easy way out of everything. I'm not satisfied with myself and what I am doing.

This is all over the place so I'm so sorry.

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