|55| - Happy Holidays!

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This is just a quick lil' thing I wanted to write before break starts, but HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

I mean, I know Thanksgiving happened after all the Europeans realized they fucked a lot of shit up, but I guess the modern holiday is about family and other sappy Hallmark movie shit like that.

I can imagine the Europeans having this conversation all those years ago:

Spaniard #1: Holy shit, bruh.

Spaniard #2: Lmao what.

Spaniard #1: We done fucked up.

Spaniard #2: Lmao how.

Spaniard #1: We slaughtered a bunch of these Native people and they barely have anyone left.

Spaniard #2: Oh... Shit.... Whatchu gonna do about it, fam?

Spaniard #1: Idk bruh. Shit's crazy now that I realized this.

Spaniard #2: Lol let's have a big fucking feast to show them that we don't wanna kill them anymore.


*They both skip into the sunset and tell their other friends about their lovely plan*

I totally didn't make this chapter up last minute...

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